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[jetty-dev] Jsp and Jetty at Eclipse

This email is to summarize the status of the jetty jsp module, which
is currently hosted at Codehaus, but which we have been attempting to
move across to Eclipse.

Jetty-7 and jetty-6 both use Glassfish's jsp engine. We obtain that
by checking out its srcs from Glassfish svn and building the jars
into jsp-2.1-glassfish.jar and jsp-api-2.1-glassfish.jar. Dropping
those jars into jetty's lib directory makes jsp available.

In order to move those jars to Eclipse, we've found and fixed a couple
of trivial IP issues.

However, it has recently come to light that the situation is a lot
more complicated than ensuring the license headers on the source
files are correct.

The jsp-api-2.1.glassfish jar that we build contains:
 + javax/servlet/jsp
 + javax/servlet/jsp/el
 + javax/servlet/jsp/tagext
 + javax/el
 + javax/servlet/jsp/jstl

The jstl stuff really  shouldn't be in there, and
can be split out into a separate jstl jar (or better yet, hopefully we could use an "official" jstl 1.2 jar).

The problem lies with the javax.el.* package. Work has been going on in jsr245 to unify this expression language api which is used in jsp with that which is used in jsf. The "official" jsp-api-2.1 jar contains the pre-unified javax.el classes.

However, the jsp 2.1 implementation from Glassfish relies on the post-unified javax.el.* classes.

Therefore we cannot simply use the "official" jsp-api-2.1.jar
with the Glassfish impl jar.

What we need is:

+ a jsp 2.1 api jar that contains the unified javax.el.* classes
+ a jsp 2.1 api jar without javax.el.*, AND a recent javax.el.* jar
The difficulty lies in finding some properly versioned sources
for these items that work with the Glassfish jsp impl, and whose
jars are available in a public maven repo, and built with <= jdk1.5.

There are many versions on, however
the sources don't seem to be available as svn tags nor as download
bundles for a combination of jsp-api and el-api that would work.

For example,  it seems that a combination of jsp-api-2.1.3-b06.jar
and el-api-1.1.jar *may* work against our Glassfish impl, however
there are no sources available that I can find (either as an svn tag nor bundle) for the el-api-1.1.jar.

Our other option is to forget trying to get our current Glassfish
2.1 jsp engine into Eclipse for use with jetty-7, and instead
to target jsp-2.2 (which is mandated for servlet-3.0) for jetty-8. The advantage of this is that the javax.el.* unification has been formalized and is a part of the jsp-2.2 specification:

There are already javax.servlet.jsp api 2.2 jars and srcs available from So it may be easier to bring those to Eclipse. We would just need to find a version of Glassfish jsp engine that matches that api for use with jetty-8.

Input, anyone?

Jan Bartel, Webtide LLC | janb@xxxxxxxxxxx |

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