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[jetty-dev] Configuring System Properties for Webapps in Equinox.

           I am running jetty server version 6.1.15 in an OSGi container and have developed my application over it which loads webapps from a specified folder. I am able to start OSGi and my implementation takes care of deploying the webapps with my configured server instance. Now the problem that I am facing is that one of my webapps requires a specific log4j configuration. Therefore in my WebApp Context, I require the log4j.configuration system property to be set, but I am not sure how I can this for the web application that I am deploying. I don't want to set the system property for my Equinox process because then my other bundles in Equinox would not then work as they use a different log4j configuration.
           I have seen that there are some jetty specific system properties that can be set through jetty.xml. For example
 <New id="webAppB"  class="org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext">
      <Arg><Ref id="Contexts"/></Arg>
      <Arg><SystemProperty name="jetty.home"/>/webapps/B</Arg>
       So I would like to evaluate the same, but I also want to do this programmatically, when I construct the WebAppContext. Any help in knowing how this is done would be great.!
       Also in case this is not the right approach to follow, I want to know if any one has configured something similar, as in configure different System properties for different web apps. Eg: What if two different webapps have different log4j configuration.
      Any help / ideas / suggestions regarding this would be greatly appreciated.

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