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[jetty-dev] JNDI: Can't find ""

Just switching over to Jetty from Tomcat by way of bleeding edge jetty-7.0.0.M2.

In general it is looking good, but in the process of setting up
database connection pooling I'm trying to get JNDI to work.
But it won't work.

The simplest way to reproduce the issue is to do the following

tar zxvf jetty-distribution-7.0.0.M2.tar.gz
cd jetty-distribution-7.0.0.M2
>> enable webapps-plus by editing etc/jetty-plus.xml and uncommenting the <Call name="addLifeCycle"> element
mv contexts/*.xml contexts-available/
mkdir webapps-plus
mv webapps/test.war webapps-plus
java -jar start.jar etc/jetty.xml etc/jetty-plus.xml

This produces the following error:

The jar file in the lib directory is there and the EnvConfiguration is
inside it, but this error appears anyway.

What is wrong?

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