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Re: [jetty-dev] Re: Security Constraints problem

FYI, the Eclipse webmaster has enabled the security feature on bugzilla that limits the visibility of security related discussions in an effort to reduce exploits. Bugs can be marked as security related (on the bug itself). From that point on only committers (I believe) can read the bug. Use as your discretion.


Jan Bartel wrote:
For those following along, Greg has added a new junit test for urls
like "/j_security_check" in


The new junit test is correct for the urls, but does not mirror the situation
with the Authenticators that is setup for a WebAppContext.

Your test has:

_securityHandler.setAuthenticator(new SessionCachingAuthenticator(
new FormAuthenticator("/testLoginPage","/testErrorPage")));

But the WebAppContext has:

_securityHandler.setAuthenticator(new DeferredAuthenticator(
                new SessionCachingAuthenticator(
new FormAuthenticator("/testLoginPage","/testErrorPage"))));

If you replace with the setup above, then the test will also fail, with a 200 OK instead of the 302 redirect. This is a different failure to my webapp, and caused because you have a RequestHandler at the bottom of the handler chain, and when the SecurityHandler.handle() chains through to this handler, it will explicitly cause any DeferredAuthenticators to be called:

if (request.getAuthType()==null || "user".equals(request.getRemoteUser()) || request.isUserInRole("user"))

My webapp, however, will chain through to the ServletHandler, and thus doesn't trigger any
authenticators, so tries to serve /j_security_check as static content.

The basic cause of failure in both cases, however, remains the fact that there are no constraints considered to match "/j_security_check", causing isMandatory to be false, and thus causing the DeferredAuthenticators to defer authentication.


Jan Bartel wrote:
Putting in a constraint for j_security_check wound up with a loop back to the login page:

Security constraint:

Handling the j_security_check request:
SecurityHandler.handle with Request.getRequestURI=/test-jaas/j_security_check
Preparing Constraint Info for pathIncontext: /j_security_check
    There are mappings: httpMethod= POST RoleInfo=null
    RoleInfo now: {RoleInfo,C[roleA]}
isAuthMandatory=true for Request.getRequestURI= /test-jaas/j_security_check FormAuthenticator.validateRequest with Request.getRequestURI = /test-jaas/j_security_check
FormAuthenticator.validateRequest with Request.getPathInfo = null
FormAuthenticator.validateRequest with Request.getContextPath = /test-jaas FormAuthenticator.validateRequest with Request.getServletPath = /j_security_check
FormAuthenticator.validateRequest with Request.getQueryString = null
FormAuthenticator.validateRequest, dispatching request /test-jaas/j_security_check with forward to /login.html

The decision to do the authentication is triggered off the
pathInfo, but it seems in this case that the /j_security_check is considered the servletPath rather than the pathInfo?!


Greg Wilkins wrote:
It looks like it does not handle j_security_check being outside of the constraints.
It is deferring handling of it!!!

So a simple hacky fix would be to always insert a constraint for j_security_check,
but I'm wondering if there is something more elegant ???


Jan Bartel wrote:
Using jetty-7 trunk, there appears to be either a problem with the way the applicable constraints are calculated by the ConstraintSecurityHandler, or a problem with my understanding of security constraints. As the latter is
just as likely as the former, I'll explain what's happening :)

I have a webapp with a single security constraint and login-config:

     <web-resource-name>JAAS Role</web-resource-name>

   <realm-name>Test JAAS Realm</realm-name>

So, hitting a url of /auth.html, I expect to see the login form from
/login.html. When I click submit and the credentials
and role are ok, I expect to be redirected back to /auth.html.

At least, that's what used to happen in jetty-6.

What I see with jetty-7 is:

Hitting /auth.html gives me the form from login.html. So far
so good. However, submitting that produces the error:

Problem accessing /test-jaas/j_security_check. Reason:
Not Found

What is happening is that when the form is submitted,
the ConstraintSecurityHandler tries to find some
matching constraints for the url /j_security_check and
naturally doesn't find any - the security constraint is
only on /auth.hml.

Here's the annotated trace of what goes wrong:

Handling the request for the protected page:
SecurityHandler.handle with Request.getRequestURI=/test-jaas/auth.html
Preparing Constraint Info for pathIncontext: /auth.html
    There are mappings: httpMethod= GET RoleInfo=null
    RoleInfo now: {RoleInfo,C[roleA]}
isAuthMandatory=true for Request.getRequestURI= /test-jaas/auth.html
FormAuthenticator.validateRequest with Request.getRequestURI =
FormAuthenticator.validateRequest with Request.getPathInfo = null
FormAuthenticator.validateRequest, dispatching request
/test-jaas/auth.html with forward to /login.html

Handling the form submission:
SecurityHandler.handle with
Preparing Constraint Info for pathIncontext: /j_security_check
There are mappings: httpMethod= POST RoleInfo=null ****** RoleInfo now: null ******
SecurityHandler.checkUserDataPermissions: No constraint info
isAuthMandatory=false for Request.getRequestURI=
authentication =$DeferredAuthentication

Note that there are no constraints matching /j_security_check at the
line marked with "*******".

Now, compare and contrast to the test-jetty-webapp, which has a
wild-card set of resources protected by this security constraint:

     <web-resource-name>Admin Role</web-resource-name>

   <realm-name>Test Realm</realm-name>

The annotated trace of this is:

Handling the request for the protected page:
SecurityHandler.handle with Request.getRequestURI=/dump/auth/admin/
Preparing Constraint Info for pathIncontext: /dump/auth/admin/
    There are mappings: httpMethod= GET RoleInfo=null
    RoleInfo now: {RoleInfo,C[admin]}
SecurityHandler.checkUserDataPermissions: No dataconstraint or is none
isAuthMandatory=true for Request.getRequestURI= /dump/auth/admin/
FormAuthenticator.validateRequest with Request.getRequestURI =
FormAuthenticator.validateRequest with Request.getPathInfo = /auth/admin/ FormAuthenticator.validateRequest, dispatching request /dump/auth/admin/
with forward to /logon.html?param=test

Handling the form submission:
SecurityHandler.handle with
Preparing Constraint Info for pathIncontext:
       There are mappings: httpMethod= POST RoleInfo=null
******   RoleInfo now: {RoleInfo,C[admin]} *************
SecurityHandler.checkUserDataPermissions: No dataconstraint or is none
isAuthMandatory=true for Request.getRequestURI=
FormAuthenticator.validateRequest with Request.getRequestURI =
FormAuthenticator.validateRequest with Request.getPathInfo =
Is a j_security_check: /auth/admin/j_security_check
Logging in

The line marked with "******" shows that because the constraint is on
the directory /admin/*
it matches security constraints, whereas my constraint is on a single
file, and therefore
the /j_security_check url does not match any constraints.

Have I created a stupid and unrealistic situation by protecting a single
file like this? Or do we need to take a closer look at the way the
constraint matching is done?


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