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Re: [jdt-dev] Bug in JDT causes invalid class files generated by EJC (javac works fine) and faulty code actions

In my understanding, the code generation part is not explicitly specified, so speaking of a "bug" is problematic, it's more like a free choice made decades ago, that *now* proves unfortunate.

Furthermore, I doubt that the pattern of accessing a static member of an inaccessible type via a public subclass is intended use of the feature, to me it feels more like an accident that this pattern works. Inheritance (an OO feature) for static (non-OO) members looks more like an after thought than a carefully designed feature, if you ask me.

I'm elaborating these aspects simply to point out, that the situation is a questionable corner case. I'm willing to continue providing pointers and hints, but I believe the required changes need to come from the affected communities.


Am 08.03.23 um 10:07 schrieb Christoph Läubrich:
Hi JDT devs,

I'd like to raise your awareness on a family of bugs I have described here [1], [2], [3].

To summarize, jdt creates non working class files when a static import is used that targets a package private class enhanced by a public one.

In this case the following issues happen (in descending severity):

- the compiled class files contain wrong references and an IllegalAccessError is thrown at runtime , even in cases where the IDE did not give any error/warning [1]
- Organize imports creates wrong results [2]
- Wrong warning is emitted about indirect static access [3]

This currently blocks adoption of Project Panama[4] and jextract [5] for any project using Eclipse/JDT, but as well hinders us to improve code in other areas (e.g. SWT).

As both things are likely to approach in this release, it would be great if these bugs can be addressed soon, I have provided simple reproducer projects and description how to show the behavior, if any information is missing please let me know in the referenced issues.

thanks in advance

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