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RE: [jdt-dev] I cannot find example plugins

You have to click through to the main or mirror site and then the version first. For example:

1. Go to .
2. Click on either the main site or one of the mirror sites. The mirror sites are formatted differently so the first time you probably want to just use the main site.
3. You should see a list of build versions like 2.1.1, 3.0M4, and so on. Select the link for the version number you want, for example 3.0M4.
4. Next you should see a large page with all the packages (SDK, Runtime, etc.) for each platform. Sroll down the page and you'll see a section for "Example Plug-ins" with two verions - one for Windows and one for everything else (that's because the Windows package has some extra Win32 specific examples in it).

HTH. Followup questions should go to the eclipse.platform newsgroup (the mailing lists are for developer discussions).

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Friederike Schroeder-Pander [mailto:FriederikeSP@xxxxxxxx] 
> Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2003 5:12 AM
> To: jdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [jdt-dev] I cannot find example plugins
> Hello!
> I have searched the newsgroups and read a lot of questions 
> about the example plugins that the people 
> could't find. I cannot find them either! 
> The answers tell only that you have to look on the site 
"";. But there I 
can see only the link "how to become an eclipse mirror" and all the mirror sites over all of the world.

Some people seem to see a section with the example plugins - I cannot see them, and other people either.

Could anybody help me, please?

Thanks a lot!!


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