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[jdt-core-dev] Generate invokedynamic

Hello developers,

I was already posting to the Object Teams development mailing list [1], but got no reaction after reasonable time, so because of the similar topic I also post here. Thanks, for your understanding.

I am working with the JDT core version as of Photon branch R4_8_maintenance. I have a runtime which implements a bootstrap method (static CallSite bootstrap(…)) to be used in conjunction with invokedynamic.
ObjectTeams is an extension that is deeply coupled and intermingled with the EJC and also has specific changes to the JDT core plugin. I worked already all my changes into the compiler.
However, it currently just calls the bootstrap method as static method. I want it to be treated as invokedynamic callsite. Looking into the JDT how such a callsite is created (i.e., in CodeStream class etc) I just find references w.r.t. lambdas. 

Is there any facility in the JDT already in place to create invokedynamic callsites? Maybe you can point me to the right JDT API to generate an invokedynamic from the MessageSend?

Best regards,
Lars Schütze

- -
M.Sc. Lars Schütze
Research Assistant

Technische Universität Dresden
Chair for Compiler Construction
Helmholtzstrasse 18, 01069 Dresden, BAR III57
Mail: lars.schuetze@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Phone: +49 (351) 463-43733
Fax: +49 (351) 463-39995

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