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[jdt-core-dev] Performance Of New JDT Indexer


I've been playing around with the new JDT indexer and can see it performing a bit better than the older one with some manual tests (through UI). However I'm having difficulty coming up with some basic examples purely through jdt.core API showing it outperform the old indexer. My example is a test that extends
AbstractJavaModelTests for utility methods and is similar to TypeHierarchyTests.
They create a single project and attach jar files to the project classpath.

I test the time it takes for the index to build as well as the actual time to complete a type hierarchy search (against java.lang.Object). I kind of expected the new index would be slower building given that it's roughly 2x as large in most cases, but I'm also consistently seeing the old index outperforming the new one in searches so I must be doing something wrong but I can't see what. I've tested with ~1500 jars, or even 1 jar with ~20000 classes but the end result is the new indexer being anywhere from 2-4x slower.

The tests can be run with :

mvn clean verify -Pbuild-individual-bundles -f org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.model/pom.xml -DtestClass=org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.model.IndexerPerformanceTest

Any help/pointers would be really appreciated.

Roland Grunberg

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