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Re: [jdt-core-dev] [jdt-ui-dev] Is there a method similar to the NetBeans TreeUtilities.getUncaughtExceptions() method in the Eclipse JDT?

To follow up on this, in other words, I am surprised that this process... method doesn't take an arbitrary statement (like a block).

>>> Raffi Khatchadourian 07/27/15 11:06 AM >>>
Actually, I am not too sure about this method (i.e., org.eclipse.jdt.internal.codeassist.ThrownExceptionFinder.getThrownUncaughtExceptions()). It seems that the method to call first is ThrownExceptionFinder.processThrownExceptions(TryStatement, BlockScope), however, I am a little surprised that it requires a TryStatement. Certainly, you can throw an uncaught exception without a try statement so as long as you declare that the surrounding methods throws that exception (assuming it is a checked exception, of course). Thoughts?

>>> Stephan Herrmann <stephan.herrmann@xxxxxxxxx> 07/23/15 1:05 PM >>>
I'm glad to hear that you already have your answer.
I could keep asking what you mean by "more appropriate"
but we probably don't need to dive deeper into this, right?


On 07/23/2015 12:36 PM, Raffi Khatchadourian wrote:
> Hi Stephan,
> Sorry about the confusion. Basically, we would like to check that a block of code (e.g., a for loop body) does not throw checked
> exceptions. Note that, if a block of code *does* throw a checked exception, the code will compile *so as long *as the method
> header/signature has a throws clause. Here's an example:
> void m() throws Exception {
> for (...) {
> throw new Exception(); //bad.
> }
> for (...) {
> //good.
> }
> }
> Note that this is not as simple as just checking for *throw* statements in the AST of the loop body as the body may call methods
> that throw exceptions and the throw could appear in a try/catch block that does not rethrow the exception.
> I found a method org.eclipse.jdt.internal.codeassist.ThrownExceptionFinder.getThrownUncaughtExceptions() that seems to be what we
> need but just wanted to get some feedback about any more appropriate methods.
> >>> "Stephan Herrmann" <stephan.herrmann@xxxxxxxxx> 07/22/15 9:50 PM >>>
> Now you got me confused.
> If there are no compile errors, what do you mean by uncaught exceptions??
> Are you thinking of those elements that are marked (mark occurrences) when you select an exception after "throws" in a Java editor?
> ----- ursprüngliche Nachricht ---------
> Subject: Re: [jdt-ui-dev] [jdt-core-dev] Is there a method similar to the NetBeans TreeUtilities.getUncaughtExceptions() method in
> the Eclipse JDT?
> Date: Mi 22 Jul 2015 19:08:27 CEST
> From: Raffi Khatchadourian<rkhatchadourian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: stephan.herrmann@xxxxxxxxx, jdt-core-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx, jdt-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Actually, we are assuming that the code compiles correctly. Here
> <>
> is the API documentation and here
> <>
> is the source code.
> >>> "Stephan Herrmann" <stephan.herrmann@xxxxxxxxx> 07/22/15 1:48 PM >>>
> I would think of leveraging the existing IProblems along these lines:
> - retrieve the problems from the compilation unit declaration
> - filter for id == IProblem.UnhandledException
> - perhaps also filter per source range
> Unfortunately, finding the referenced exception type might require reverse-engineering the problem message.
> Or you use the source range of the problem for identifying the offending AST node, and then inspect its resolvedBinding()
> (should be a MethodBinding).
> HTH,
> Stephan
> ----- ursprüngliche Nachricht ---------
> Subject: Re: [jdt-core-dev] Is there a method similar to the NetBeans TreeUtilities.getUncaughtExceptions() method in the Eclipse JDT?
> Date: Di 21 Jul 2015 11:50:20 CEST
> From: Raffi Khatchadourian<RKhatchadourian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: jdt-core-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx, jdt-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Sorry, meant to say uncaught *exceptions* (not messages).
> >>> Raffi Khatchadourian 07/21/15 10:14 AM >>>
> NetBeans source code analysis has a method || that
> retrieves uncaught messages from an AST subtree. Does the Eclipse JDT have a similar method?
> ---- ursprüngliche Nachricht Ende ----
> ---- ursprüngliche Nachricht Ende ----

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