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[jdt-core-dev] The way to operator overloading in Java

Hello guys,

I'm new to this mailinglist so I have no idea if I'm right in this place.
I have done some modifications to the actual JDT compiler sources to implement a clean, oop like way of supporting operator overloading in Java. The complete diff file has about 1000 lines, so it's not that big but since I'm planning to make a JSR for that kind of modification, to get oo officially to one of the next Java versions I would like to talk to others about the way it is implemented and if there are additional comments and ideas.

The way it is implemented is an interface for every special operator and the compiler resolves the operator the to interface method that should be called from the bytecode. The positive effect, it's compiler magic and does not need a new classfile format.

I would glad to see some interest on that topic.

A Digital's Life
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