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[jdt-core-dev] correct usage of WorkingCopyOwner

Hi all,

I'd like to utilize the new functionality provided by the AST 

And I'm unsure how to use the WorkingCopyOwner class.
What I'd like to achieve is that binding resolution considers working copies that I created and that have no backing in java files.

This is probably very bogus but here's what I did:
- i subclasses WorkingCopyOwner and because there were no other examples provided I called
return BufferManager.getDefaultBufferManager().createBuffer(workingCopy); in the create buffer method
(BufferManager is internal, I know, but like I said, I found no other examples)

- I used that 'owner' to create the new working copies, using:
ICompilationUnit:getWorkingCopy(WorkingCopyOwner, IProblemRequestor, IProgressMonitor) 
i passed null as requestor

- I also used the same owner instance to create ASTs 
(AST.parseCompilationUnit(ICompilationUnit, true, owner))

Then, I started resolving bindings but, sadly, the new working copies were not considered.
I probably did something very bogus - please bounce me in the right direction.


ps. my concrete example: (exists on disk)
class A{} (working copy created using the owner)
class A implements I{} (working copy existing only in memory - created using the owner)
interface I{}

resolve type binding of A (from the working copy) and look at supertypes - I is not there

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