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[jdt-core-dev] [FIX] Bug 35068


If this isn't the right place for this please point me in the right

Bug 35068 can be fixed by replacing line 557 (as of RC2) in

  if (contains(triggers, key)) {


  if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(key)) {

Now, although this solves the problem there is some existing code which is
bypassed. What the existing code is doing is defining a set of 'trigger
characters' (in which
are different for various different contexts of completion (field, method,

But I'm not really sure why this is required. If I type a printable
non-java-identifier I've finished with the bit I want auto-completed, if I
don't I haven't. Why should this be different depending on context? It is
possible there is more to it than I know about.

Like I say the above fix bypasses various bits including
getTriggerCharacters() in
org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.ICompletionProposalExtension which, I
think, is part of the public API. I don't know what the rules about
bypassing/changing these things are. If this is needed it might be better as
isTriggerCharacter(char key).


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