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[january-dev] IMonitor -> IProgressMonitor?

Hi Folks,

I noticed the org.eclipse.january.IMonitor interface in January and was wondering: have you considered using/reusing the org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor (in org.eclipse.equinox.common bundle)? There are other classes that may be useful in org.eclipse.equinox.common...e.g. IStatus, IAdaptable, IAdapterFactory, Path, CoreException, etc.

Despite the name (org.eclipse.core.runtime) these classes are all in org.eclipse.equinox.common, and can be run on Felix or other frameworks (we/ECF do this regularly on/with Karaf [1]).

There is some cost of depending upon other bundles, of matter how established they are...but it might be worthwhile to consider this for parts of January.

Another thought: You could also consider using OSGi services for some of your factory operations (dataset and metadata creation). It could help reduce type coupling.



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