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[] Messaging for CodeOne/EclipseCon


For JSF 3 the major theme is to remove legacy. The native managed bean system (deprecated in 2.3) and JSP support (deprecated in 2.0) will be fully removed.

Everything marked @Deprecated (some of that since JSF 1.2) will be removed too.

EE Security will likely add new additional authentication mechanisms (oath2, en oath2 based open connect Id), authorisation interceptors and authorization rules.

JASPIC and JACC will be clarified to not be user facing, but to be mostly intended as low level SPIs to support EE Security, other libraries and very advanced custom development. JACC will likely get a way to add authorisation modules from an archive and JASPIC may get a profile more directly targeted at JAX-RS. 

We were thinking of requiring JACC and JASPIC implementations to provide a few basic implementations of its types, so users of those SPIs don’t have to code up *everything* from scratch. (Even advanced developers don’t like that ;)).

_expression_ language is fairly complete, but a few small gaps may be addressed such as a method _expression_ info type of some kind, and maybe some more fluent builder style types for the programmatic API.

I don’t speak directly for Concurrency, but I expect it to absorb some of the EJB Concurrency things such as @Asynchronous and the timer service, allow executor services to be defined via annotations, and more exactly specify what gets propagated to asynchronous tasks.

Kind regards,

On Monday, September 24, 2018, David Blevins <dblevins@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello community,

Normally at the former JavaOne there'd be a section of the keynote dedicated to Java EE which usually included messaging like theme, roadmap, focus area.  This would usually get repeated in various panel sessions, etc.  This is easier to do when direction is dictated.  This topic came up in the Jakarta EE Steering Committee and everyone universally felt a dictated message was not appropriate and we should do our best to pull something together as a community.

Are there any volunteers who are willing to help collect some technical direction from the various projects?  I.e. what would people in the project want people at the conference to know?

We have about 15-20 calendar days we can spend on this before we run out of runway.  In other words: actions are better than ideas.  Feel encouraged to take the initiative in your respective project.


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