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[] Help with Faces 4 TCK/Jakarta EE 10!


As many of you are aware, just like Jakarta MVC, Faces is one of those specifications that are heavily community driven these days (kudos to Arjan). What that means in practice is that we all need to pitch in to move it forward the best we can. At the moment, Faces really needs some help with the TCK to move it across the finish line for Faces 4/Jakarta EE 10.

Fortunately, this work is really not that hard. According to Arjan:

"Almost everybody with basic Faces/JSF experience should be able to's copying and then changing the JSP into a Facelet with CDI."

Please consider engaging here now: This is a very good chance to step up and an easy point of entry for contributing to Jakarta EE, especially if you happen to be a Faces fan like me. Arjan will be happy to provide you any guidance.

Reza Rahman
Jakarta EE Ambassador, Author, Blogger, Speaker

Please note views expressed here are my own as an individual community member and do not reflect the views of my employer.

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