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Re: [] Why not dropping EARs in Jakarta EE?

That's my view too. We can't abandon our users, but we also must not forget what new users want from us.

I agree SOAP and the likes are still widely used to day. I'm myself currently working on a legacy (<2006) Java 7 Ant based project that's deployed as an EAR to a relatively old (but still supported) WebLogic server. There are even a few EJB 2. We expect to migrate it to Maven soon and sure one day we'll update the application server. But even then, we'll update to the latest WebLogic, with (I think) *10 years* of commercial support. That means that, even if the next WebLogic version dropped EAR or SOAP or EJB 2 support, we still have plenty of time to plan an upgrade or to directly reboot the application.

I might be mistaken, but I tend to think the kind of customers that really depend on those technologies, are also the ones that pay for commercial support and only upgrade when support is about to end.

Of course I don't say we can remove all the "old" stuff because of this, but we should also not be fear about deprecating things and creating profiles without them, as that will be a way to also attract new developers looking for a modern runtime.

El lun., 30 abr. 2018 a las 19:41, arjan tijms (<arjan.tijms@xxxxxxxxx>) escribió:

SOAP is indeed surprisingly often used still.

The problem we (and many other projects, but let's focus on us here ;), is that there's a tension between being cool and providing the tools that people need to get real work done.

As many of you probably know, places like Reddit's /r/programming and HN among others make fun of Java EE because of it having SOAP, IIOP and (remote) EJB. It not rarely makes EE the laughing stock there and it's an easy stick to beat EE with.

Of course we have to realise that people ridiculing EE may either actually not like EE, may simple not know modern EE, or may perhaps have an other agenda. It's maybe easy to brush off a comment from "someone on the Internet" in some forum as being childish, on the other hand (young) developers ARE being influenced by this, and this eventually influences the technology choices people make (it's not easy to choose a tech which gets you ridiculed, even if the tech is suitable for your problem).

Trying to be cool and dropping everything the vocal few don't like or don't understand has the problem though that there are tons of companies with real developers doing real work using these things, who likely don't visit places such as HN that often or at all, and/or don't care so much about being cool or not.

Just my 2 cents

Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms

On Mon, Apr 30, 2018 at 7:05 PM, Rudy De Busscher <rdebusscher@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I can't see a single reason for using JAX-WS instead of JAX-RS. 

Security. You have WS-Security which has no counterpart in JAX-RS spec.
Although I'm not a fan of SOAP, it is heavily used and even new projects are created with it.


On 30 April 2018 at 17:10, Mihai A. <amihaiemil@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
+1 on deprecation. I've been using Java EE for some years now and never had to learn it. Instead, I just had to navigate through some dubious maven-generated classes. I can't see a single reason for using JAX-WS instead of JAX-RS. 

On Mon, Apr 30, 2018, 16:06 Adam Bien <abien@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Regardless of our feelings, SOAP and IIOP are not the "future" and not updated for years. There are no conference talks, no articles, no fresh opensource projects. IMO this means "deprecation".
We could deprecate it now and remove it in 10 years. But the signal should be clear. Otherwise we will have the same conversation about the integration partners in 10 years :-)

Its not about "forcing", its about setting a signal.

> On 30. Apr 2018, at 17:03, Michael Parmeley <mjparme@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> We can’t force our integration partners to provide us something other than SOAP services, we can recommend but not force, and SOAP is still heavily used. It would be a mistake to remove or deprecate it.
>> On Apr 30, 2018, at 9:57 AM, Andy Gumbrecht <> wrote:
>> +1 to deprecate 'things' in general. It gives customers a clear message as to what we're not going to support in the future, but also time to migrate to something new.
>> Andy Gumbrecht.
>> On 04/30/2018 04:16 PM, Adam Bien wrote:
>>> We could deprecate SOAP now, and remove it in a few years.
>>>> On 30. Apr 2018, at 16:15, reza_rahman <reza_rahman@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> I definitely see many customers still using SOAP. It may make sense to drop JAX-WS altogether some time in the future, but I think it's best to wait a few more years right now.
>>>> The right solution to many of these issues in my view is Jakarata EE fully embracing modularity, perhaps ideally based on JPMS.
>>>> We should continue to have various profiles such as:
>>>> * Core (Servlet only)
>>>> * Web
>>>> * Microservice
>>>> * Complete
>>>> However, more importantly unlike today with Java EE, the platform should be clear that implementations will allow the user to add or remove Jakarta EE technologies with compatible versions at will. GlassFish was well on its way to achieving this under Sun ownership until everything with GlassFish went south with the Oracle acquisition.
>>>> Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S7, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
>>>> -------- Original message --------
>>>> From: Peter Richardson <astropcr@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>> Date: 4/30/18 9:54 AM (GMT-05:00)
>>>> To: Jakarta EE community discussions <>
>>>> Subject: Re: [] Why not dropping EARs in Jakarta EE?
>>>> Why would you want to get rid of SOAP support? It is still heavily used in security critical deployments for its strict XML schema message enforcement and ability to easily embed certain security AA constructs such as SAML tokens.
>>>> JakartaEE has to be more than microservices and REST.
>>>> -Peter Richardson-
>>>> On Mon, Apr 30, 2018, 9:21 AM Adam Bien <abien@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> I could find some use cases for EARs -- SOAP / JAX-WS might be a better candidate for deprecation / pruning,..
>>>>> On 30. Apr 2018, at 15:19, Peter Richardson <astropcr@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> I agree completely with Mrinal.
>>>>> While microservices are hot today we need to keep in mind Java EE is used for a lot more than that and there are many, large, and expensive to refactor, legacy EE projects that are still smarting from the decision to drop EJB. If these projects are to keep pace with Jakarta EE's more rapid release pace and the resulting testing and acredidation requirements levied by customers then backwards compatibility will be key.
>>>>> I would rather this group work towards making EAR a real cross-platform specification so that an EAR could be deployed on Wildfly, GlassFish, TomcatEE etc. without reconfiguration. Right now I agree that this is an issue as well we recently moved our EAR deployment from GlassFish to JBossEAP with some headaches.
>>>>> -Peter Richardson-
>>>>> On Mon, Apr 30, 2018, 8:53 AM Mrinal Kanti <mrinal.kanti@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> Why are we still discussing this?
>>>>> Java EE had profiles (web and full) support since v6. It is for good reasons that the web profile has been implemented as a subset of the full profile and not as a stand-alone profile, Applications that work with web profile should not break when working with full profile thereby assuring upgrade-ability and portability. If CDI or any other platform technologies has any problems inter-operating with the full profile then it is the responsibility of the respective platform technology stakeholders to address that in their own specs/implementations unless there are valid issues/limitations with any of the full profile specs/implementations. In addition to the EAR support mandated by the JEE full specs, several app servers have provided their own proprietary classloader mechanisms to make packaging and deployment more flexible albeit, at the cost of vendor lock-in/portability.
>>>>> Modifying EAR support will have severe impact on several existing enterprise packaging and deployment scenarios especially involving shared libraries and entities (such as JAXB, JPA). Also the concept of having a inter-application-wide parent classloader facilitates several implementation approaches such as scoped objects and simplified transaction boundary realization - stuff that are not easy to implement over microservices (and are often ignorantly dismissed as anti-patterns).
>>>>> JPMS support is fairly new and its spec has been validated largely against the JDK libraries. Even then, I see it as augmenting the EAR classloader specs rather than replacing it.
>>>>> Marking EAR support as optional/deprecated will only cause more problems as more and more specs(and TCKs) would start ignoring it.
>>>>> Personally, I do not see any strong argument against the EAR support so long as enterprises are still using monolithic deployments. Though micro-services are increasingly becoming popular, the monolithic deployment approaches are still relevant in several use cases.
>>>>> Besides, the issue raised by the OP has already been addressed in the original GH issue.
>>>>> -Mrinal
>>>>> On Mon, Apr 30, 2018 at 4:27 PM, Dmitry Kornilov <dmitry.kornilov@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> I think that Jakarta EE should have profiles. Full profile should be as much backwards compatible as possible with previous version (read Java EE). It should support EARs. Other profiles (Web, Micro?) may not support EARs, or it should be up to implementations to support it.
>>>>> — Dmitry
>>>>>> On 30 Apr 2018, at 11:55, Alexander Salvanos <salvanos@xxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> while I agree, that dropping EAR's feels like a good idea, for large scaled Java EE projects in huge companies, this could result into costs we could avoid, by keeping backward compatibilty.
>>>>>> Just like RMI-IIOP we should begin at the most with the term PROPOSED OPTIONAL and later OPTIONAL for a long period, before it can be dropped.
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Alex
>>>>>>   Gesendet: Montag, 30. April 2018 um 11:27 Uhr
>>>>>> Von: "Adam Bien" <abien@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>> An: "Jakarta EE community discussions" <>
>>>>>> Betreff: Re: [] Why not dropping EARs in Jakarta EE?
>>>>>> HI Ralph,
>>>>>> EARs are helpful to deploy multiple WARs at once. E.g. a main microservice with a corresponding sidecar.
>>>>>> However: I didn't created any EARs since Java EE 6,
>>>>>> cheers,
>>>>>> adam
>>>>>>> On 28. Apr 2018, at 10:06, Ralph Soika <ralph.soika@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> to my background: I have been developing enterprise applications for more than 10 years, mostly as EARs. So I am mainly a User of EE and was never part of a EE working group. My opinion about EARs after years is: It's an awful disaster if you're trying to develop an ear platform independently. So why should it be called 'standard'?
>>>>>>> Today I wonder what can be achieved with an EAR, which could not be achieved easier and clearer with a clean microservice architecture?
>>>>>>> So I'm suggesting removing EAR support from Jakarta EE. This makes the platform easier to learn and more lightweight.
>>>>>>> If you like, you can read the following discussion. It's about the question of how to package shared EJB libraries in one ear. And it shows how awkward it is to talk about EAR deployment questions.
>>>>>>> What is your opinion about the future support of the concept of EAR?
>>>>>>> ===
>>>>>>> Ralph
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