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Re: [incquery-dev] incquery & mps


I have started to port the incquery language & engine into MPS. The
language is already available in MPS


and now I would like to make use of
the real underlying engine too.
In order to do that, I would like to collect the steps and some ideas
about how to do that.
* I have located the source of the information in MPS which is needed
for the incremental updates. Something similar to the base index should
be built on top of this layer.


The navigation helper API is not directly necessary for the query engine; the query engine needs a "context" as its interface to the outside world. org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.matchers.IPatternMatcherContext is for providing metamodel info, and its extension IPatternMatcherRuntimeContext also provides instance model info. EMFPatternMatcherContext implements the former with Ecore reflection and EMFPatternMatcherRuntimeContext implements the latter using IQBase. You will need to somehow implement these two interfaces (maybe using the same class) over MPS.

I apologize in advance for the lack of documentation on these two interfaces. Feel free to ask if anything is unclear. Some notes on terminology: for each node type, we assume that there is a unary relation (i.e. set) of instances (including instances of subtypes). For each edge type (such as EStructuralFeatures), there is a binary relation of sources and targets. This is for modeling platforms such as EMF where edge instances themselves do not manifest as objects. If the edge instance itself is identifiable as an object, it is a "ternary"; you need to be able to enumerate all such edge instances (for a type and subtypes), and there are other method to access the source and the target afterwards.

Does the structure of MPS models fit into this? If you think any of this is incompatible with MPS, please tell. Maybe we need to change / adapt / generalize these interfaces. There are at least two other ongoing projects (Incquery-D and Mondix) where we are planning to provide alternative implementations these interfaces, and at least one more project where we may want to use it (local search), so this might be a good time to refactor them into something that fits all these needs.

* Which is the entirely EMF and Xtext independent part of IncQuery? I
guess this is only true about the RETE network implementation.

* org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.matchers --> truly independent
* org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.base.itc --> truly independent
* --> only depends on EMF because it uses Xcore-based data representation; but the instance model is not assumed to be EMF, so this shouldn't be a problem. * org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.rete --> depends on recipes, so has the same EMF dependency. Mistakenly declares a dependency on incquery.base, but does not really depend on it - I think I am going to remove this right away. * org.eclipse.incquery.patternlanguage --> likewise makes no assumptions that the instance model is EMF... but you are unlikely to need this

Unfortunately, org.eclipse.incquery.runtime is entirely EMF-specific at the moment. So you need to come up with your own MPS-IncQuery substitutes for IncQueryEngine, IQuerySpecification, etc. I do not know right now what we can generalize here.

* The code generators should generate the PSystem code out of the MPS
instance model, right?

PSystem is a description of the query. So it should not be generated from the instance model on which you want to match patterns, but from the pattern model that is expressed using the language extension you have built in MPS.
(Sorry if you meant this by "instance model").

If you want this language extension be used for the "interpretative" scenario as well (just like query explorer with eiq files in the workspace), then you should be able to generate an in-memory PSystem model, not just Java code that constructs the PSystem model. If you want to generate the code from the in-memory PSystem model, you should take a look at PatternQuerySpecificationClassInferrer.inferBodies().

* I have extended the base language of MPS with some constructs which
can be used to utilize the patterns written in a pattern model.
This is basically an extension for the Java language in MPS with some
additional statements. In MPS (within MPS) the user will never ever
interact with the generated code.

Sounds reasonable.
Could you perhaps show some "code" samples?

Basically my aim with this e-mail is to start some discussion about the
next steps of this integration. If you are interested, I could do a
quick overview sometimes about the language and some really brief intro
to MPS.

Sure, we are absolutely interested!


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