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[ice-dev] Committer Election for Daniel Bluhm on The Eclipse Integrated Computational Environment has started

A committer election for Daniel Bluhm on project The Eclipse Integrated
Computational Environment ( was started by Jay Billings with this

I am very happy to nominate Daniel Bluhm to be an Eclipse Committer on the
Eclipse ICE project. Daniel has contributed 8 accepted PRs for ICE III
( and one open PR
( since May and
plans to maintain them in the future. He has also quickly established himself
as a resource on the project, and even started reviewing PRs. He has also
contributed to the development of content that will be used in the EclipseCon
2020 talk on ICE III this fall. He has joined the Eclipse ICE dev mailing
list and the Mattermost channel, as well as ORNL's internal Eclipse ICE Slack
channel. He regularly leads the daily status meetings for the project when
Jay cannot attend (and even when Jay's just being lazy).

The Eclipse Integrated Computational Environment project committers can click
the election link below to vote.



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