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Re: [ice-dev] [ice-build] [eclipse/ice] b9aa17: Fixed Entry and VizEntry constructors


Entry.setup() is overridden for almost every Entry. It's primary mode of use is as an anonymous class with local implementations of Entry.setup(). If FileSimulationLauncher works, then I am satisfied for now. You should check with Alex and make sure that this works with MOOSE. I'll checkout the Reflectivity Bundle.


On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 1:52 PM, Smith, Robert W. <smithrw@xxxxxxxx> wrote:


It passed the unit tests, and I just checked both the VIBE Key-Value Pair and the File Command Launcher, which have the same behavior with or without this commit.  Setup by default does nothing, and there are also no subclasses of Entry or VizEntry which override setup, meaning it could only cause a bug in cases where setup is explicitly overridden when calling the constructor, in which case setup not being run is nearly guaranteed to be a bug.


From: ice-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <ice-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Jay J. Billings <billingsjj@xxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2015 12:41 PM
To: ice developer discussions
Subject: Re: [ice-dev] [ice-build] [eclipse/ice] b9aa17: Fixed Entry and VizEntry constructors

Updating Entry is a very tricky thing and that particular bug may be more of a feature. Did you run a problem in ICE with something that uses Entry to make sure it still works OK?

If you change Entry then you have to test job launchers and models to make sure that they still store and update values properly.

In the long term, we actually need to fix the way the Entry works with content providers. The current method is unused and duplicates values in the XML.


On 09/11/2015 11:59 AM, GitHub wrote:
  Branch: refs/heads/next
  Commit: b9aa177f3bde720f51a3add27dee89cba360b025
  Author: Robert Smith <SmithRW@xxxxxxxx>
  Date:   2015-09-11 (Fri, 11 Sep 2015)

  Changed paths:

  Log Message:
  Fixed Entry and VizEntry constructors

The Entry and VizEntry constructors had a bug in which overloaded
setup() methods may not have their changes applied if the constructor
taking a content provider as an arguement was used. All constructors now
properly invoke setup() once.

Signed-off-by: Robert Smith <SmithRW@xxxxxxxx>

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