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[ice-dev] Switch all development to "next" branch


I spent the better part of today addressing issues with the master branch, and in particular several regressions that removed capabilities that I personally committed over the summer. I also encountered significant problems merging Kasper's changes, which should have gone perfectly since he was very careful and hasn't been gone long. Another set of bugs essentially nerfed very old, important capabilities in ICE, including persistence. I encountered several bugs in the product that should have been caught if the executables were being run before pushing commits.

This is OK and somewhat expected. These things happen and someone is bound to catch them. Normally I just fix these things and don't mention them. Unfortunately though I don't have time to keep up with them anymore, so we need to make some changes to this process.

From now on, only I will commit directly to master and I want everyone else to commit to the new branch named "next." Once I verify that everything is working as expected in "next," I will merge the changes to master. The name "next" is to signify that it is a staging branch.

Please plan to switch to next by the end of the week.


Jay Jay Billings
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Telephone: (865) 272-9420
Twitter Handle: @jayjaybillings

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