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[hyades-dev] More info on Java UTF-8


Hello all,


If we want to adopt the Java UTF-8 form, we may want to consider adopting its data structure as well.


Here is the spec of UTF-8 data structure in Java Virtual Machine (JVM)


  • 2-byte length
  • followed by the UTF-8 byte stream
  • length does not contain the null character


In addition, I have verified that Java handles the single null byte translation as well.

Please see attached programs.


We can discuss more and get some resolution on this issue in our weekly meeting.







   This demo program shows that Java can handle

      UTF-8 file with null byte is translated as one byte.



import* ;


public class MyUTF8Output


     public static void main(String args[])


          FileOutputStream    fos ;


          OutputStreamWriter  osw ;


          char[] msg = {'A', '\u0000', 'B', '\u0080', 'C', '\u0000'} ;




              String s = new String(msg) ;


              fos = new FileOutputStream("myoutput.txt");


              osw = new OutputStreamWriter(fos, "UTF-8");


              osw.write(s) ;


              osw.flush() ;




              System.out.println("See \"myoutput.txt\" file.") ;


          catch (Exception e) { }     







   This demo program shows that Java UTF-8 format is:

        - 2-byte   leng of the UTF-8 buffer

        - null byte is mapped into two bytes



import* ;


public class MyUTF8Conversion


     public static void main(String args[])


          FileOutputStream    fos ;


          DataOutputStream    dos ;


          char[] msg = {'A', '\u0000', 'B', '\u0080', 'C', '\u0000'} ;




              String s = new String(msg) ;


              fos = new FileOutputStream("myoutput2.txt");


              dos = new DataOutputStream(fos);


              dos.writeUTF(s) ;


              dos.flush() ;




              System.out.println("See \"myoutput2.txt\" file.") ;


          catch (Exception e) { }     





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