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[hyades-dev] [OT, RTP] "Test Coverage Analysis," 9am M 26 Apr 04, 503/A217

Dr Shmuel Ur, Master Inventor and testing TopGun from Haifa Research
Lab, presents in RTP @ 503/A217 on 9am M 26 Apr 04:

The main technique for demonstrating the thoroughness of testing is
called "test coverage analysis": one seeks to systematically create
a comprehensive list of tasks and to check that each task is tested.
Coverage analysis can help to monitor the quality of testing, create
tests for untested areas, and form small yet comprehensive test
suites. In this talk he will cover three topics:

* What is coverage in general? Why it is useful for testing, what
  are common pitfalls

* What is functional coverage? How it can be used to create model
  specific applications

* What is code coverage? Demonstrating coverage data generated using
  ConTest, an Eclipse plugin

Any project that would like some pointers on analyzing its coverage is
welcome to send Dr Ur their data in advance; time permitting he can
discuss it with them and possibly show examples in his presentation.

This presentation will address the general development/test
audience, but please note that Dr Ur has special expertise in
testing multithreaded applications, on which he will be presenting
in RTP later on M 26 Apr:

* 11am in 510/3B01 on reviewing multi-threaded code (contact Guy
  Laubli for details)

* 2pm in 510/4E01 on testing multi-threaded code (contact Thomas
  Caswell for details)

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