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[hyades-dev] DCE interface definitions

I've attached my first draft of the interface for the DCE itself.  It's still rough at this point, and I'm not entirely sure it shouldn't be rethought to make more sweeping changes. There were a lot of commands that I wasn't sure how they were being used so I left them pretty much as they were.  I'm not sure how drastic a break we want to make from the old protocol and how much of he DCE internals we are willing to rewrite.


I've made the definitions in the form of a C header file for clarity.  Where types are used that aren't defined here, I intend the current definition.


The real items of interest in this file are a few new commands that I've added (QUERY_AVAILABLE_AGENTS, QUERY_AGENT_INTERFACES, LAUNCH_AGENT) and the definition of a new command structure (header plus data).  Data structures for the new commands, along with a comment giving a hint as to what I have in mind, begin on line 152.


I'd like to follow this up with similar first passes for a standard agent interface, an EXE controller interface, and an environment information interface, but I'm hoping to get feedback on this quickly to see if you think I'm proceeding too conservatively or if this looks like it's basically going in the right direction.



Attachment: Protocol.ZIP
Description: Protocol.ZIP

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