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[hyades-dev] Usecase 1.1


Although I agree that UC1.1 should go into the reference implementation, 
I think the original UC1.1 realisation I came up with is too complex for 
the reference implementation.

The description for UC1.1 is "Show control events to running test", 
which I think should just be simple events such as start, stop & suspend 
a test.  The original realisation I came up with for dynamic control of 
a test used semaphores and shared variables to manage running Executors 
in much the same way as we do at Scapa.

I will email out a more simple realisation for UC1.1 before the next 
meeting so that we can discuss it.  I think we should ignore my original 
realisation for UC1.1 for now.  I will bring up the issue of shared 
variables and dynamic control again when we have more time (after the 
first implementation) and we can maybe move it to UC1.1.1 (since it 
seems like a variant of the more simple UC1.1).



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