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Re: [higgins-dev] IMI + OpenID


I think that captures it.

The only change I might make is having token be if_available.  That will decrease the likelihood a non IMI OP might reject the authen request because it cannot fulfill a required claim.

The IMI OP would prefer the token AX attribute for the reply if the user selects a card that can provide it.

John B.
On 1-May-09, at 8:25 PM, Markus Sabadello wrote:

I tried capturing some thoughts that came up on the last Higgins call, regarding building better IMI support into the OpenID-based "Higgins Web Selector":

It lists a few possible methods for "doing i-cards" over OpenID:

Method 1: AX attribute identifiers are claim URIs
Method 2a: Well-known AX attribute identifiers are mapped to claim URIs
Method 2b: Well-known SREG attribute identifiers are mapped to claim URIs
Method 3: Advanced IMI compatibility


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