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[higgins-dev] Changes to Authentication Materials


Today I committed changes to Authentication Materials in IdAS.. Please read..

I updated this page

I made the following changes to idas.api:
- Created a new interface IAuthNMaterials (without methods), which all Authentication Materials classes now implement
- Defined constants for common types of Authentication Materials in the above interface
- Changed the already existing Authentication Materials classes to implement the above interface
- Changed the method to expect IAuthNMaterials instead of Object

I also changed Object to IAuthNMaterials in several classes that somehow use
- BasicContext, JSPolicyContext, JNDIContext, RDFContext, NonsharedContext, ...

I added some JavaBean-like characteristics to the existing Authentication Materials classes to make it easier to (de-)serialize Authentication Materials
- E.g. AuthNNamePasswordMaterials

I updated the UDI drafts at and
- They now say that when resolving a UDI, one of the output values is a list of Authentication Material types which can be used to authenticate to (open) the Context.

I updated the Higgins UDI Resolver (org.eclipse.higgins.idas.udi) to support this.
- When resolving a UDI, the output data can now contain one or more Authentication Material types to be used for opening the Context.

I also updated the UDI demo at
- For example, when you resolve one of the below UDIs, the application will discover and tell you that username+password Authentication Materials are required for that particular context.

In total, this shouldn't really break any existing code, except that now expects IAuthNMaterials instead of Object.


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