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[higgins-dev] Add saml:AudienceRestrictionCondition to P-Card xmlToken

Hello Mike,

Some RP rejected P-Card xmlToken with error message like 'Audience Restriction is not valid'.

Our PCard xmlToken doesn't have <saml:AudienceRestrictionCondition/>  however  CardSpace generated has.

According to 'A Technical Reference for Information Cards in Windows CardSpace v1.0 December, 2006' 
> 7.1. Token Characteristics
>The self-issued tokens issued by the simple identity provider in the Windows CardSpace system have the following characteristics:
> ....
> • The issued token always contains the saml:Conditions element specifying:
> o the token validity interval using the NotBefore and NotOnOrAfter attributes, and
> o the saml:AudienceRestrictionCondition element restriciting the token to a specific target scope (i.e., a specific recipient of the token).

However according to org.eclipse.higgins.sts.server.token.saml.TokenGeneratorHandler you add it depends on RST.getAppliesTo() (uriAppliesTo) properties.

		if (null != uriAppliesTo) {
			final omAudienceRestrictionCondition = omFactory.createOMElement("AudienceRestrictionCondition",
					omSAMLNamespace, omConditions);
			final omAudience = omFactory.createOMElement("Audience", omSAMLNamespace,

But org.eclipse.higgins.sts.client.TokenRequestFactory setup it only for M-Card.

			java.lang.Boolean boolRequireAppliesTo = null;
			if (informationCard instanceof IManagedInformationCard)
				boolRequireAppliesTo = ((IManagedInformationCard) informationCard).getRequireAppliesTo();
			if (null != boolRequireAppliesTo)
				bSendAppliesTo = !(boolRequireAppliesTo.booleanValue());
			if ((null != uriRelyingParty) && (bSendAppliesTo))
				final org.eclipse.higgins.sts.api.IAppliesTo appliesTo = new org.eclipse.higgins.sts.common.AppliesTo();
				final org.eclipse.higgins.sts.api.IEndpointReference epr = new org.eclipse.higgins.sts.common.EndpointReference();
				if (null != strCertificate)

Would you fix it.
 Thank you,
Alexander Yuhimenko <ayuhimenko@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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