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[higgins-dev] Notes for Higgins Developers call on March 13th



 Paula Austel - IBM

 Jeff Broberg CA

 Duane Buss - Novell

 Anthony Bussani - IBM Zurich

* Greg Byrd - NCSU/IBM

* Brian Carrol - Serena

 Tom Doman - Novell

* Andy Hodgkinson - Novell

Valery Kokhan - Parity Ukraine

 David Kuehr-Mclaren - IBM

* Mike McIntosh - IBM

Dale Olds - Novell

 Uppili Srinivasan - Oracle

* Drummond Reed - Cordance

 Bruce Rich - IBM

*Mary Ruddy - Meristic/SocialPhysics

* Markus Sabedello - Parity

* Jim Sermersheim - Novell

* George Stanchev - Serena

* Daniel Sanders

 Paul Trevithick - Parity/SocialPhysics

* Brian Walker - Parity

* Jeesmon Jacob

 Carl Binding

*Tom Caroll


Proposed Agenda


1) [Mary] The new Wiki/website navigation


The new capability is supposed to be available, so next steps are setting up the new meta data and testing it on a Higgins wiki page. IF it works, we can then convert all the wiki pages to the new navigation system.  Please continue to make suggestions for improving the website in general. We are not "done" yet.


2) Higgins versions



- review open items for 1.0.1 (and date)

- review open items for 1.1M1 (and date)

3) [Jim] "IdAS data model as nodes(now entities)"


4) [Jim] IdAS Events



Jim has asked for feedback on the "Importance" column  


5)  [Mary] F2F at RSA?


So far only 5 people have responded to the poll about when they could attend a meeting at RSA.

Please indicate when you could meet at RSA at:

The agenda is likely to include post 1.0 planning and priorities, and topics  relevant to those attending  

6) Components Page



- Bullet number 3 above says: SVN branches used are displayed within { }.

The intent is to convey to the reader which components & rows are included in which release. For example the Selector Selector component isn't part of 1.0 at all, it is in HEAD only and might make it into 1.1M1 or <whatever>.

But in truth we've not yet added the "1.0.0" branch name inside the "{ }"

in each project row. So we have two options at this point:

(a) Fill in the "{ }"

(b) Think of a better way to handle this.

A better way might be to have a column "Avail In" and just list entries like this (for every row). Here are a couple examples:

1.0+ -- from 1.0 onwards

1.1M1+ -- available in 1.1M1 and onwards

7) Other topics? 


 Meeting Notes


1) [Mary] The new Wiki/website navigation


The new capability is supposed to be available, so next steps are setting up the new meta data and testing it on a Higgins wiki page. If it works, we can then convert all the wiki pages to the new navigation system. Please continue to make suggestions for improving the website in general. We are not "done" yet.

[Mary]  Eclipse has implemented a feature to allow configuration of site meta-data and to allow the wiki to read this meta-data so that the wiki and web navigation can be the same. I will configure the meta data to test this. Then we can implement it. We are also revisiting some of the navigation elements in the coming weeks. We can then propagate the new navigation across all wiki pages and the Higgins site. We will be looking for volunteers to implement this once we have verified that the new mechanism works.

2) Higgins versions



- review open items for 1.0.1 (and date)

- review open items for 1.1M1 (and date)

[Mary]  There is a list of 1.1M1 items on the link above.

[Mary] Question for Mike is what he is planning on for identity protocols in coming release? 

[Mike] I already have some x509. 

[Mary] Yes, we have some existing implementations of some of the protocols on the list. The question is what additional support is planned for 1.1.

[Mike] I'm working on the ability to get the UI to set the certificate key. The other things being worked on are to deal with the additional name space changes introduced by Microsoft. Not sure if I can get SAML 2.0 working – may not be able to commit this for 1.1. Not planning to do Kerberos at this time.

[Daniel] One more feature that should be considered – need to verify that the chain of certs is valid before token is issued.

[Mike]  This is not currently planned, but recognize this is important feature.

[Mary]  The main focus on 1.1M1 is the RSA interop.

[Mike] I will try to update the Wiki site to capture what elements I can commit to for next release.

[Mary] The other item to look at is bugs  for 1.0 – 8 items – need to get these reviewed and update status on these bug fixes. Had some issue getting access to the 1.0 open items – but could see the 1.0.1 list just fine.

[BrianW] Peter is working on the auto build item.

[BrianW] People should also look at the branch plan Paul laid out for 1.1 at the top of this wiki page.  We will be implementing the planned SVN branch structure as documented on above wiki. I encourage community to review/comment if they have any feedback on this plan.

3) [Jim] "IdAS data model as nodes(now entities)"


[Mary] Jim you're next.

[Jim] I will post this link on IRC. There has been some discussion.  I updated the wiki with a better problem statement.

Jim outlined three challenges that could lead to need for frequent API changes.


1) All those definitions what you can discover about a node are fixed. If down the road we wanted to associate an image with node definition for person...(so add new function get display nodes) then we need discuss, agree and revise the API. This seems unreasonable. There may be lots of types of information that we may want to associate in the future.

2) Existing API doesn't allow us to create new entity model and to populate it.  So what to do?  Add more API's.

3) Ability to search without iterating across entire schema.  This would be an automatic bonus with the proposal. You get the ability to do queries. 

Note: To help minimize the churn on frequent API changes, there is a new proposal (outlined on wiki) to have well known entity types that are used for different model types (e.g. entity model, attribute model etc). This will simplify things and bring about greater extensibility and does not cause the API to be revised with every change. More review/feedback was encouraged. 

 [Drummond] This makes a lot of sense to describe model in same way can describe instances. 


4) [Jim] IdAS Events



Jim has asked for feedback on the "Importance" column  

 (There has been an offline meeting and continued dialog on Higgins-Dev list over the course of the week.

[Jim] Tried to capture notes in this wiki. I used a different format: requirementdescription and importanceThis format is working out, I wish we had a a way to vote. 

[Jim]  Markus provided feedback. Still need to flesh this out. The big use case is for applications to track when updates happen (e.g. when person changes password etc).  Some may trigger business logic or other actions. If we do this in a complete enough way we could add a bolt-on listener and have an audit engine to do event monitor.

[Drummond]  Cool good idea.

[Jim] Just starting to flesh out the proposal section.. semantics for different events interfaces... Still need to put Markus' comments on the wiki.

[Jim] We need people to add further documentation. Need to put a link to Paul’s page that refers to next steps and open issues. 

[Jim] It would be nice to have a notion of priorities, a way to focus on what's next.

[Mary]  This also touches on the wiki structure issues.

[Jim] Currently the wiki back track has limitations, and there is no list of possible forward paths.

[Drummond]  Doesn't take you to the right home.


5)  [Mary] F2F at RSA?


So far only 5 people have responded to the poll about when they could attend a meeting at RSA.

Please indicate when you could meet at RSA at:

The agenda is likely to include post 1.0 planning and priorities, and topics  relevant to those attending  

[Mary]  If you are planning to be at RSA please vote on the Higgins F2F meeting time on the link able. If there are just a few of us there, we may just have a ½ day session or a couple of 1/2 days sessions around the RSA meeting.


6) Components Page



- Bullet number 3 above says: SVN branches used are displayed within { }.

The intent is to convey to the reader which components & rows are included in which release. For example the Selector Selector component isn't part of 1.0 at all, it is in HEAD only and might make it into 1.1M1 or <whatever>.

But in truth we've not yet added the "1.0.0" branch name inside the "{ }"

in each project row. So we have two options at this point:

(a) Fill in the "{ }"

(b) Think of a better way to handle this.

A better way might be to have a column "Avail In" and just list entries like this (for every row). Here are a couple examples:

1.0+ -- from 1.0 onwards

1.1M1+ -- available in 1.1M1 and onwards 

[Mary] Now that we have a release 1.0, we need to differentiate wiki content by release.  Paul updated the components page with conventions and proposed a mechanism for annotating the components by release...  Any questions, suggestions? We also need to find a mechanism to differentiate wiki pages by release.

[Mary] Any other topics?


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