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Re[3]: Fwd: Re: Re[2]: [higgins-dev] IdAS Update Proposals

To restate, I think you're asking for a convenient way to replace a value. 
In both examples, the user performs the same steps to get the value which is everything up to:
    val = (IPropertyValue);
If we give them a convenient way to get to that point, then replacing the value consists of:
  val = prop.addValue(...);
  // set value's data
Now, if this is a simple value, they only have to call:
That is a replace (when the val already had data)
If it's a complex value, do they want to replace the entire value, or a component?  If they want to replace the entire value, they have to do the two steps above (val.remove(), then val = prop.addValue()).
Should we create a replace method so they can do this in one step?  If we do, should it be at the property, or at the value?  If at the property, the user has to somehow identify the value being replaced.  If we follow Proposal 3 and wanted to add this extra convenience, we would add these:
IPropertyValue IProperty::replaceValue(IPropertyValue oldVal, IPropertyValue newVal)
IPropertyValue IProperty::replaceValue(IPropertyValue oldVal, URI newValType)
IPropertyValue ISingleValuedProperty::replaceValue(IPropertyValue newVal)
IPropertyValue ISingleValuedProperty::replaceValue(URI newValType)
I suspect any of the proposals have ways of making a replace easier.  Maybe we should agree on one proposal, and then look at whether we need to add a replace convenience function for cases where we have a single, complex value.

>>> Valery Kokhan <vkokhan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 4/28/07 4:21 PM >>>
I think we all agree that this entire topic is just about user
convenience. We want to be nice to users and we have a good will to
help them with this:

IProperty prop = null;
IPropertyValue val = null;

if (prop.getPropertyModel().getMaxCardinality() == 1) {
  Iterator iter = prop.getValues();
  while (iter.hasNext()) {
    val = (IPropertyValue);
// do something with the value
but I do not understand a reason why then we refuse to help them with

if (prop.getPropertyModel().getMaxCardinality() == 1) {
  Iterator iter = prop.getValues();
  if (iter.hasNext()) {
    val = (IPropertyValue);
  val = prop.addValue(...);
  // set value's data


Saturday, April 28, 2007, 8:14:42 PM, you wrote:

> Thanks Valery.

> I understand the issue you present.  I think where we differ is in
> our views of the importance of the issue.

> I think this kind of thing happens all the time in OO design when dealing with specialization.

> For example, one could say that all Mammals can reproduce, and thus
> have an addChild method.  Let's specialize Mammals to Humans, and
> further, to ChineseCitizen.  There is local policy for the which
> says ChineseCitizen.addChild may only be called once.  The
> temptation remains, as a ChineseCitizen is a specialization of
> Mammal. Nevertheless, an error occurs when addChild is called multiple times.

> I think people learn to expect this kind of thing, and deal with it all the time.

> If we apply proposal 5 to the Polygon analogy, it would have us
> create a a Henagon class, a Triangle class, and Polygon class all at
> the same hierarchy.  To avoid temptation, Henagon would have
> setLineSegment(), Triangle would have setLineSegmentA(),
> setLineSegmentB(), and setLineSegmentC(), while polygon would have addLineSegment()

> This (I believe) is not the way people typically model things.

> So, at this point I have to say, while I acknowledge the temptation
> issue in having addValue on ISingleValuedProperty, I think it's
> consistent with OO design.  I'll let other people's feedback drive
> the direction here since it seems I may be biased.

> Jim

>>>> Valery Kokhan <vkokhan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 4/28/07 10:22 AM >>>
> The difference between #3 and #5 is that both single and multi valued
> properties are on the same level of hierarchy and if I have single
> valued property I do not have a temptation to add value I can only set
> it.

> Valery

>> I like the motorcycle analogy, but I don't see it that way at all.
>> In proposal 3, what we've done is defined a WheeledVehicle, and
>> subclassed that with a Unicycle.   I'm not sure what functionality
>> exists in IProperty that is inappropriate for
>> ISingleValuedProperty.  The one which was mentioned was addValue.
>> This is valid to be called once-only on a ISingleValuedProperty,
>> just as it is valid to be called 5 times-only on an IProperty which
>> has maxCardinality = 5.  Remember that ISingleValuedProperty is
>> nothing more than an IProperty with maxCardinality = 1.
>> In proposal 5 below, ISingleValuedProperty needs an addValue(URI
>> type) (which yes, could be called setValue I suppose), and
>> IMultiValuedProperty needs an addValue(IPropertyValue newValue) to
>> be consistent with other interfaces. 
>> I may be missing something, but I think proposal 5 is like proposal
>> 3 other than it doesn't use inheritance and uses a different name
>> for the setter (set instead of add).

>> Jim

>>>>> Valery Kokhan <vkokhan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 4/28/07 7:21 AM >>>
>> Actually I dislike proposal #3 because to my mind it is even more
>> confusing then #2. It looks like in #3 we're going to do something
>> like this:

>> We need to define an interface to represent a motorcycle with the
>> methods to fuel up, start the engine and drive and we define it as our
>> base interface (just because our model allow this). Then, because
>> there are use cases when we don't need an engine at all, we "extend"
>> our base interface by defining an interface to represent a cycle (just
>> for a user convenience). We are saying that cycle is actually a
>> motorcycle but... without an engine.

>> I hate to think that when I have an instance of the cycle I still have
>> a methods to fuel it up and to start an engine but with unknown
>> semantic however.

>> It looks like nobody like proposal #2 because of the way how
>> objects are extended there. Ok, I could live with that but as for me
>> #2 is less confusing then #3.

>> As alternative take a look at #5 below which to my mind could help us
>> to avoid ambiguity like we have in both #2 and #3.

>> Proposal 5:

>> Definitions:

>> interface IProperty {
>>         public URI getType() throws IdASException;
>>         public boolean isSingleValued();
>> }

>> interface ISingleValuedProperty extends IProperty {
>>         IPropertyValue getValue();
>>         IPropertyValue setValue(IPropertyValue newValue);
>> }

>> interface IMultiValuedProperty extends IProperty {
>>         Iterator getValues();
>>         IPropertyValue addValue(URI type);
>> }

>> Some sample code:

>> IProperty prop;
>> ...
>> IPropertyValue val;
>> IPropertyValue newVal;
>> if (prop.isSingleValued()) {
>>   ISingleValuedProperty sProp = (ISingleValuedProperty) prop;
>>   val = sProp.getValue();
>>   //do thimething with the value
>>   //set new value
>>   sProp.setValue(newVal);
>> } else {
>>   IMultiValuedProperty mProp = (IMultiValuedProperty) prop;
>>   Iterator iter = mProp.getValues();
>>   while (iter.hasNext()) {
>>     val = (IPropertyValue);
>>     // do something with the value
>>   }
>>   //add new value
>>   mProp.addValue(URI.create("someType"));
>> }

>> In order, I'd prefer #5, #4, #2, #3, #1

>> Valery

>> Friday, April 27, 2007, 11:34:49 PM, you wrote:

>>> So, here's my opinion:
>>> Proposal #1; I agree seems a bit wishy washy, but it's very simple
>>> (check for single-valuedness, and proceed with no casting)
>>> Proposal #2; I like that there's no casting when it's a single-valued attribute.
>>> I dislike because it presents a model where:
>>> * A property has a value
>>> * A value is either a value or a list of values
>>> * A list of values is both a value and a list of values
>>> It's the last point that I worry about.  A list of values is itself
>>> a value?  It means that my list has methods like isList(), and
>>> getType().  It also has isSimple() and isComplex().  I view the two
>>> latter as things that should be declared at the attribute level, not
>>> the value level.  Also, I don't want to present APIs that make it
>>> appear that we allow an attribute to contain different typed
>>> values.  It also presents the view that a value may be a list of
>>> values, each of which itself could be a list of values and so on.
>>> Meaning, it presents an API view inconsistent with the data model.
>>> Proposal #3; If we really think it's necessary to provide a
>>> convenience for users to call "getValue()" IFF an attribute is
>>> single-valued, then I slightly prefer this method over #1.  Valery
>>> dislikes that it's possible to call ISingleValuedProperty.setValue
>>> repeatedly (would fail on subsequent calls).  I think this is fine
>>> -- it's simply one of many places where an API will fail due to the
>>> constraints of a specific Context's model.
>>> Proposal #4; This has the advantage of presenting exactly the
>>> intent of the data model.  Adding a convenience like getValue() is
>>> effectively trying to reflect the reality of a specific Context's
>>> model through the general-use IdAS APIs -- I believe this is why
>>> we're getting into trouble in the first place.  None of the other
>>> methods provide instructions that the consumer can't perform
>>> himself.  Further, the consumer can build his own convenience method however he wishes.
>>> In order, I prefer #4, #3, #1, #2
>>> Jim

>>>>>> "Jim Sermersheim" <jimse@xxxxxxxxxx> 4/27/07 12:14 PM >>>
>>> I happened to catch Valery on #higgins and asked if there were
>>> issues with these before committing them.  There were no issues with
>>> the new add* methods, but in terms of getting a single valued
>>> attribute, our proposals differ, and he had issues with what I was proposing to add.
>>> Please take some time to review the problem and the two proposed
>>> solutions and express your view on which direction we should move
>>> (or propose an alternate if you wish)
>>> Problem:
>>> We say that an attribute may have multiple values, and we reflect
>>> this in the APIs with the method Iterator IProperty::getValues().
>>> This is fine except for one thing; in a large number of cases,
>>> attribute will have only a single value -- causing consumers to have to do something this:
>>> // assumes the user already knows this is a single-valued attr
>>> Iterator iter = myAttribute.getValues();
>>> IPropertyValue val = null;
>>> if (iter.hasNext()) {
>>>  val = ((IPropertyValue)iter).next();
>>> }
>>> //this could have been used to determine whether the attribute was a single-valued attr
>>> boolean bIsSingleValued =
>>> myAttribute.getProperty().getMaxCardinality() == 1 ? true : false;
>>> From a purist standpoint, this is fine -- we've provided an access
>>> method which is perfectly aligned with the model being presented.
>>> >From a practical standpoint however, people might prefer a simpler
>>> method to access single-valued attributes.  Note that we're talking
>>> here about single-valued attribute in terms of the Context's model.
>>> Not whether or not there happens to be a single value in a multi-valued attribute.
>>> Assuming that we're correct in our belief that the half-dozen lines
>>> above are cumbersome, A number of proposals have been presented:
>>> Proposal 1 (currently implemented)
>>> Callers would probably want to precede this by first determining
>>> whether or not it's single-valued (see above)
>>> Sample code:
>>> IPropertyValue val;
>>> if (myAttribute.getProperty().getMaxCardinality() == 1) {
>>>   // handle single-val case
>>>   val = myAttribute.getValue(true); // boolean doesn't really
>>> matter here since we've already determined
>>>   // do something with val
>>> } else {
>>>   // handle multi-val case
>>>   Iterator iter = myAttribute.getValues();
>>>   while (iter.hasNext()) {
>>>     val = ((IPropertyValue)iter).next();
>>>     // do something with val
>>>   }
>>> }
>>> Proposal 2
>>> (Stuff in the first grey box)
>>> Sample code:
>>> IPropertyValue val = MyAttribute.getValue();
>>> if (!val.isList()) {
>>>   // handle single-val case
>>>   // do something with val
>>> } else {
>>>   // handle multi-val case
>>>   IValueList list = (IValueList) val;
>>>   Iterator iter = list.getValues();
>>>   while (iter.hasNext()) {
>>>     val = ((IPropertyValue)iter).next();
>>>     // do something with val
>>>   } 
>>> }
>>> Proposal 3
>>> (Stuff in the second grey box)
>>> Sample code:
>>> IPropertyValue val;
>>> if (myAttribute.isSingleValued()) {
>>>   // handle single-val case
>>>   ISingleValuedProperty prop = (ISingleValuedProperty) myAttribute;
>>>   val = prop.getValue();
>>>   // do something with val
>>> } else {
>>>   // handle multi-val case
>>>   Iterator iter = myAttribute.getValues();
>>>   while (iter.hasNext()) {
>>>     val = ((IPropertyValue)iter).next();
>>>     // do something with val
>>>   }
>>> }
>>> Proposal 4
>>> Remove IProperty.getValue() and make people always iterate.
>>> Please respond with your preference or alternate proposal.
>>> Jim

>>>>>> "Jim Sermersheim" <jimse@xxxxxxxxxx> 4/26/07 8:07 PM >>>
>>> Javadoc for these changes is reflected here

>>>>>> "Jim Sermersheim" <jimse@xxxxxxxxxx> 4/26/07 7:29 PM >>>
>>> Here's the diff (which also includes the changes talked about in
>>> of
>>> the addition of add*(<Instance of * interface>) methods.
>>> I don't think there was any contention on either change, so I plan
>>> to check these both in tomorrow a.m. unless I hear otherwise.
>>> Jim

>>>>>> "Jim Sermersheim" <jimse@xxxxxxxxxx> 4/26/07 7:25 PM >>>
>>> <fwding: sorry, I'm used to pressing reply to sender for higgins
>>> messages, which works except in the case of messages that come from
>>> Valery for some reason. So I keep replying privately to him on accident>

>>>>>> Jim Sermersheim 4/26/07 9:18 AM >>>
>>> I agree.  I noted this at
>>> #2,
>>> but I didn't include it at this point as I viewed it as not
>>> absolutely necessary. In other words, the only way I could see
>>> getting the update refactoring done in a timely way was to remove anything potentially contentious.
>>> I'm happy to add this useful convenience method if no one has
>>> issues with it.  The only drawback I see is that it adds one more
>>> method to implement -- but I think it's worth it.
>>> Jim

>>>>>> Valery Kokhan <vkokhan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 4/26/07 9:04 AM >>>
>>> Jim,

>>> I wonder why there is no methods like
>>> IAttribute IDigitalSubject.addAttribute(IAttribute attr);
>>> which you proposed earlier.

>>> To my mind, such methods are useful when we need to copy some
>>> attribute(s) from one digital subject to another.

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