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Re: [higgins-dev] Notes from higgins-dev call Thursday October 26 12-1pm ET

Paul Trevithick wrote:
4. Open IdAS Issues
- JimS: there are still more work with the filters, but let's not discuss
that here
- Tom: the focus has been getting a demo app together, has been looking at
MikeM's STS; but let's talk about the "other" class issue...
- Tom: in some identity stores (e.g. LDAP). Some don't follow x500 and say
that an entry is one of more than one type.
Just want to add that in general this isn't usually a problem because in deployments the structural class(es) of an entry are very likely to be compatible. The feature of some servers to allow more than one structural class is due to the pragmatic realization that there is a lot of very bad schema out there that creates structural objectclasses that should auxiliary (and therefore freely mixable).

Of course, having said that the most notable example of an LDAP server that cross dresses entries is Active Directory, where computers are people too. However, even there the intent is clear - it's a computer entry.


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