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[higgins-dev] higgins-dev call notes May 25

Catalyst (June 14-16) Demos

There are three possibilities all with some risk:

1) Bandit / CASA layered over IdAS 

Could integrate CASA reading attributes from a DigitalSubject in a Context
managed by IdAS using a new draft IdAS API that Paul will commit to drafting
presuming that Novell decides to do this demo.

2) HBX / Higgins ISS / STS integration 

- user goes to page on a hosted web app (we can use the PIP app being
developed for Berkman)
- user fills in a webform and thereby creates a new (self-asserted)
DigitalSubject in a new Context 
- IIS converts DS to a DI using STS
- user (using HBX on Firefox) clicks on one of the three known InfoCard-RP
- HBX posts the DI to InfoCard-RP website

Two options for doing the systems integration (ignoring legal/licensing
issues for the moment):
(a) Since STS is running in Tomcat and Higgins is running in Tomcat, just
integrate STS via Java interface
(b) Do it right. Have Higgins ISS use WS-Trust to get token from STS

3) STS + idemix integration

Jan and Mike will work on how/when/etc. integrate the Idemix plug-ins into

Berkman (June 19-21) Demos
Same as above. Just more likely to get done.

H-Tag Name Discussion
H-Tag isn't very catchy. Paul to suggest some new names.

Milestone Update
Milestone 0.4 has been delayed (3 weeks) to July 7. Some items that were not
getting done fast enough on M0.4 have slipped to 0.5. We've added an
"overview" section at the top of M0.4 page (see that discusses the demos we're working on.

Milestone 0.5 is August 31

Action Items
* Jim: Let us know Novell's decision about whether or not to commit to demo
#1 for Catalyst. If so Jim/Novell will work with Paul and others on the
CASA/Bandit/IdAS integration.

* Paul: send MikeM the tokens that HBX is currently posting to the
InfoCard-enabled RP sites

* Paul: give MikeM Paul's contact info: trevithickp on AIM; #higgins on; cell: 617 513 7924; paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

* Mike and Jan: talk on 5/25 to coordinate Idemix / STS integration

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