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Re: [hibachi-dev] SourceRange for an AdaVariable

David R. Phillips wrote:

My initial reaction is similar to Adams.  Is there a particular benefit that
we would gain by splitting the parameter in the parse tree?  There are two
camps that we need to consider one would want the parse tree to match the
source as closely as possible and the other would want the tree to match the
logical grouping of all of the parameters at the same level.  There are good
reasons for each approach.  I tend to be the first camp.

Just to clarify, I don't want to change the way the parameters are stored in the parse tree (aka, splitting the parameter). They are currently individual instances of IAdaVariable and I want that to continue. The only change is making the source range (ISourceRange) more specific - and thus using unique instances of the ISourceRange for each IAdaVariable that is defined in a parameter list.

I suppose what I am asking is a more specific definition of where an IAdaVariable is at in the source file. Right now the source range starts at the first letter of the first parameter in a list and extends to the last letter in the type of those parameters. I was hoping that the source range would just include the parameter name.

I just wanted to clarify - not to argue the point. It seems like there are perfectly valid reason do continue doing it the current way.

Thanks for taking the time to consider this and respond. I appreciate it.

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