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Re: [hibachi-dev] new ANTLR plugin to be used for Hibachi development

After installing, you'll need to perform the following steps:

1) In Workspace->Preferences->ANTLRv3 IDE, check "Automatically generate code". 2) Right click on the org.eclipse.hibachi.antlr project and select "ANTLRv3 IDE -> Add ANTLRv3 IDE Support"
3) Clean and rebuild the workspace.

This should resolve the errors from the lack of availability of the current ANTLR development plugin we are using. I'll send another notification when cvs has been updated.

The following exception occurs when I add ANTLRv3 IDE Support to the project:

Exception in thread "DLTK indexing" java.lang.AbstractMethodError: org .deved .antlride .internal .core.parser.AntlrSourceElementParser.parseSourceModule([CLorg/eclipse/ dltk/core/ISourceModuleInfoCache$ISourceModuleInfo;[C)Lorg/eclipse/ dltk/ast/declarations/ModuleDeclaration; at org .eclipse .dltk at org .eclipse .dltk .core .search.DLTKSearchParticipant.indexDocument( 66) at org .eclipse .dltk at $1.execute( at org .eclipse 374)

Have you seen it before, by any chance?


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