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Re: [henshin-user] What's the plan to support Henshin in Oxygen?

Hi Joel,

thank you very much for your solution to install the current Henshin version in Oxygen. I will update the Henshin website soon to point to this solution.

Recently, we have been pointed to this issue on the developer list [1]. After some hopes for an easy patch [1], it looks like the issue really has larger consequences [2].

It looks like now would be the perfect time for moving to a Sirius-based Henshin editor, which would also help us get rid of some pains of the GMF-based one. I hope we will make some progress on that in the second half of 2017.


Best regards,

Am 07.07.2017 um 13:39 schrieb Joel Greenyer:


we recently moved to Eclipse Oxygen with our project (ScenarioTools), which also has an extension using Henshin.

However, it seems that GMF is finally discontinued and not available any longer in the Oxygen update site.

Does that also mean that Henshin will not move along?

I managed to install Henshin in the following way in Oxygen, maybe this could be helpful to others:

1. Install GMF Tooling v3.2.1. Update site:

2. Install M2Eclipse from Update site:

3. Install Henshin from update site from (I used the nightly build update site

Best regards


Prof. Dr. Joel Greenyer
Software Engineering for Ubiquitous Applications and Dynamic Interacting Systems
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Welfengarten 1, Room G322 (Main Building), 30167 Hannover, Germany
Phone: +49 511 762 3361

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