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[henshin-dev] Matching Nodes with a specific xsi:type

Hi all,

I am sorry for my frequent questions in the last days. I am still working
on the transformation of models that are extended with EMF Profiles. I
cannot find instances of specific stereotypes. They are discriminated by
"xsi:type". I hope anyone of you can give me a hint towards working rules.

I have a base meta model with an EClass "BaseElement". The BaseElement can
be extended by a Stereotype "SomeStereotype".

I have the following base model: (The following examples are shortened for
readability reasons)

I have the following "profile application":

	<stereotypeApplications xsi:type="myprofile:SomeStereotype">
	<importedProfiles nsURI=""/>

I now load these models and their respective meta models in Henshin. I can
easily find matches for the following Nodes:
* BaseElement 
* ProfileApplication
* ProfileImport (matches the "importedProfiles" relationship)
* StereotypeApplication (matches the "stereotypeApplications" relationship)

I want to find a match to all "StereotypeApplications" with
Trying to match a "SomeStereotype" node gives me no results.
When I create a rule with a "StereotypeApplication" to preserve, I cannot
specify the type, neither as attribute, nor as reference. This is probably
because xsi:type is not an ECore element.

Is there any way to match Elements with a specific "xsi:type"?

Thank you very much for your help so far.

Best regards

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