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Re: [henshin-dev] Mysterious exceptions with my Eclipse-based Henshin-Application

One more remark: you can also use the static helper method:

InterpreterUtil.applyToResource(Unit unit, Engine engine, Resource resource);

(see JavaDoc). This automatically handles the EGraph creation and adds (only) the newly created root objects to the resource. But this works only if the transformed model should be stored in the same resource (not moved to a new resource) and when you don't need the EGraph reference (when you want to apply just one rule/unit only). Note that this method does not do any loading or saving.

If you are interested in what this method does, you can take a look at the source. There is no magic behind it:


On 12/18/2012 09:03 AM, Christian Krause wrote:
Hi Jens,

I think I might have an idea what the problem is. This is how you construct your EGraph:

model.setModelGraph(new EGraphImpl(resource));

The constructor of EGraphImpl you are using does the following:

public EGraphImpl(Resource resource) {
        for (EObject root : resource.getContents()) {

So it calls the method addGraph(EObject) on all root objects of the resource. Now there are two methods in EGraph:

- addTree(EObject)
- addGraph(EObject)

The first one adds the object and all contained objects to the EGraph. The second method adds the object and all *reachable* objects to the EGraph. See also the JavaDoc. The second one is used in the constructor you are using.

The problem is that in your application, all reachable objects also include the metamodels and/or the profiles. When you later do this:


you remove the metamodels / profiles from their original resources. The next time you are trying to load them EMF can't find them anymore and you get these strange errors.

The solution is that you select only those root objects that you really want to save. So just iterate over the root objects and see what you get. Select only those which are meant to be saved in the resource.

For the Henshin developers: we should discuss whether we should use addGraph() or addTree() in the EGraphImpl(Resource) constructor (or whether we remove this constructor to avoid such confusions). Both addTree() and addGraph() have pros and cons.


On 12/17/2012 03:08 PM, Jens Bürger wrote:
Hello all,

Whilst developing my Henshin-application in Eclipse, I came across a very strange error I can't explain.
A co-worker of mine, having experience with Eclipse and EMF, already hat a look at my source but doesn't have a clue, too.

What am I doing:
I'm developing my application as a Eclipse plugin. I'm running the plugin in a Eclipse runtime environment via clicking on the Toolbar-button, which instantiates/runs a IWorkbenchWindowActionDelegate.

the run()-Method of this action does the following:
public void run(IAction action) {
    model=new DataModel();
    input =new InputDataDialog(window.getShell(),model);;
    if (model.getModelFile().endsWith(".uml")){
    patchEngine= new UMLPatchEngine(model);
    } else
    if (model.getModelFile().endsWith(".bpmn2")){
    patchEngine= new BPMNPatchEngine(model);
    new PatchDialog(window.getShell(),model,patchEngine).open();;

patchEngine.load() especially does:
Resource resource = resourceSet.getResource(model.getModelFile());
model.setModelGraph(new EGraphImpl(resource));

Now my problem: I start the runtime-Eclipse, do a transformation or not (via the PatchDialog) and the window closes normally. Now, If I instantiate my Plugin-Action a second time, I get a wild bunch of exceptions which read as if there is a problem loading the UML standard-profile (see attached file).

The only hint I got so far is the following:
If I comment out the following line in my save-method (which saves the transformed model), the exceptions don't occur:


(resource2 is of type org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource).

Strangely enough, this problem doesn't occur in in the class working with BPMN-Files.

As you can see from my source-excerpts, every objects are newly created when activating the action (Henshin ResourceSets, Eclipse ResourceSets, TransformationEngines and so on). I don't have static variables in my program, but maybe there is a problem when re-instanciating Henshin-Classes or something getting cached or so?

Any hints?

Slightly confused,


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