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Re: [henshin-dev] Resetting of the temporary domain

I don't think that is the problem, because I tried to shuffle the domains and still got the correct result. So I assume the transformation is confluent. I'm still puzzled why the "temporaryDomain=null" messes up things. I saved the intermediate model of the transformation just before the first difference occurs in the log. When I try out the match finder for this model, I get the same matches in the same order independently of whether "temporaryDomain=null" is used or not. Interestingly, the first found match is neither of the ones that I get during the complete transformation.

On 06/13/2012 01:22 PM, Christian Krause wrote:
It seems like the order of matches is affected by the change. If the transformation is not confluent, this could explain the different result.

On 06/12/2012 10:10 PM, Christian Krause wrote:
Here a version of the logs without hash codes. From these you can compute a nice diff. The first difference occurs in step 449 (rule 'decendSwitch').

On 06/12/2012 09:43 PM, Christian Krause wrote:
Hi Enrico,

ok, ok, I buy that the "temporaryDomain=null" should be in clear(). ;)

But then, somewhere else must be a bug. I executed the Java2StateMachine example with and without the "temporaryDomain=null" and generated logs. I attached the logs to this e-mail. The LogginApplicationMonitor supports saving of intermediate results, so we should be possible extract the graph and rule application where the matching fails. Anyway, I have not looked at the logs in detail yet, but I know they are long and differ at some points....


On 06/12/2012 07:38 PM, Enrico Biermann wrote:
You are right for cases with failed match attempts, because the
backtracking will end with the first variable no longer being
instanciable and all domain slots unlocked. But just to clarify:
In unlock only the temporary domain of *other* domain slots (targets of binary constraints) get reset *not* the temporary domain of the variable
itself. Granted, all domain slots *not* being initialized by binary
constraints, still have temporaryDomain == null ;)

Still, resetting the temporary domain during clear() is neccessary for
succesful match attempts, because they end with all variables in a valid state. This is exactly what happend in the Comb example. The domain of
the NAC node was initialized by a binary constraint. After the NAC
matched (meaning a failed LHS match) the LHS backtracked and found
another match. Now the temporary domain of the NAC node was incompatible
with the binary constraints of one of the other nodes.

Unlock() is an essential part of backtracking, keeping the state of all domains consistent, clear() should reset the domain slot to its original
state. Note that not simply creating a fresh domain slot was a design
decision based on performance, because you would have to recreate the
domainMap in ApplicationCondition for all graphs (lhs and acs).

In any case, clear() is behaving correctly, if the state after clear
corresponds to the state of a fresh DomainSlot(). If any logic in
clear() is completly redundant to unlock it can be removed (since unlock
is called anyway by clear), but be *very* sure that is the case before
removal ;)


On 12.06.2012 15:30, Christian Krause wrote:
Hi Enrico,

the DomainChange class is apparently used to store the old contents of
the temporaryDomain when it is changed (see ReferenceConstraint:52).
When unlocking a variable, this change is reverted again (see
DomainSlot:231). At this point, the temporaryDomain is reset to its
previous value. If the temporaryDomain is reset to its original values
at this point, why should it be also done in DomainSlot.clear() ?


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