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Re: [gyrex-dev] Zookeeper Gate crash after revoke -> update and rollout -> update

Hi Jürgen,

Am 18.07.2014 um 12:59 schrieb Jürgen Albert <j.albert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> I have attached the log of one ocation where revoked our IU. The Problem appears always when we install or uninstall these bundles.

Thanks for posting the log. I highlighted a few interesting messages, which show what is going on:

11:59:09.797 [Refresh Packages] DEBUG o.e.j.u.component.AbstractLifeCycle - stopping org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server@5956b37d
11:59:09.817 [Refresh Packages] DEBUG o.e.j.u.component.AbstractLifeCycle - stopping ServerConnector@1988c73{HTTP/1.1}{}
11:59:10.364 [Refresh Packages] INFO  o.e.g.s.internal.roles.ServerRole - Deactivating Gyrex Job Worker.
11:59:10.372 [Refresh Packages] INFO  o.e.g.s.internal.roles.ServerRole - Deactivating Gyrex Job Scheduler.
11:59:11.054 [Refresh Packages] INFO  o.e.g.s.internal.roles.ServerRole - Deactivating Logback Configurator.
11:59:11.073 [Refresh Packages] INFO - Node groundzero_2cea46c9 (Groundzero, APPROVED, groundzero_2cea46c9 v0) is now offline.

As you can see, all those events happen in the [Refresh Packages] thread. This means they are a result of the ongoing installation. Some of the bundles your are installing trigger a restart of core Gyrex bundles. This causes the server to restart.

You should see more when you enable debug logging or tracing for Equinox bundle activation.

There is one interesting exception in the log, though:
11:59:11.053 [app thread - org.eclipse.gyrex.http.jetty.applications.engine.0] ERROR o.e.g.h.j.i.JettyEngineApplication - Unable to start Jetty. Please check the log files. System will be shutdown.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: The service has been unregistered
        at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.serviceregistry.ServiceRegistrationImpl.unregister( ~[org.eclipse.osgi_3.9.0.v20130529-1710.jar:na]
        at org.eclipse.gyrex.http.jetty.internal.JettyEngineApplication.start( ~[na:na]
        at [org.eclipse.equinox.app_1.3.100.v20130327-1442.jar:na]
        at [org.eclipse.equinox.app_1.3.100.v20130327-1442.jar:na]
        at [na:1.7.0]

This is in the middle of shutdown and shouldn’t be logged there. It could be a problem in Gyrex. Can you try with the latest version?


Gunnar Wagenknecht

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