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[graphiti-dev] Gerrit enabled for Graphiti

Hi all,


This is a short heads-up that Graphiti now uses the Eclipse Gerrit as code review system (use your Eclipse Bugzilla user for login), all changes have to go through it.

The Gerrit-enabled repository URLs are:




The page provides a description of how to use the Eclipse Gerrit server including how to handle IP log relevant contributions.


In short, you should do the following if you want to work on Graphiti sources and enable pushing contributions:

-          Add Graphiti to the list of your watched projects if you want to be notified about changes (mandatory for committers) here:

-          Upload your SSH public keys to Gerrit if you want to use SSH here:

-          Configure your push specification for Gerrit:

o   URL: https://<dev_user>

o   The push specification is HEAD:refs/for/master

o   Replace "master" with the branch you want to push to in case you want to push a change to an older release or not the master branch, e.g. b0_9_x

o   <dev_user>; is your development user (like mwenz)

o   *Note: The password can and must be generated* here (the standard development user password does not work!):

-          When pushing to the main Git repository after the review, the IP clean flag must be set. Please ensure that all requirements regarding IP cleanliness are fulfilled!


All of this is also documented on our Wiki page at


Here’s the Bugzilla for that change:




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