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[gmf-dev] edges not showing after copy with EcoreUtil.Copier

I have after create advice that supplies an AbstractTransactionalCommand. The command uses the EcoreUtil to replace the new object in the model with a copy of a template object. This was my way of putting a list of template objects onto the palette. I just add add a parameter to the normal create tool/request and my advice makes the substitution. Here is the callback in my advice:

protected ICommand getAfterCreateCommand(final CreateElementRequest request) {
        if (request.getParameters().containsKey("templateElement") &&
request.getElementType() == CrosswalkElementTypes.MetadataBlock_3018) { return new ReplaceNewObjectWithTemplateCommand(request.getEditingDomain(), request);
        return null;

Here is the way the command above works:

protected CommandResult doExecuteWithResult(IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable info) throws ExecutionException {
        EObject result = null;
        EObject n = request.getNewElement();
EObject template = (EObject)request.getParameter("templateElement");
        EcoreUtil.Copier copier = new EcoreUtil.Copier(false, true);
        //ViewRefactorHelper viewhelp = new ViewRefactorHelper();
        EObject copy = copier.copy(template);
        EcoreUtil.replace(n, copy);
        //viewhelp.refactor(n, copy);
        result = copy;
        return CommandResult.newOKCommandResult(result);

The behavior that results is fine in terms of the semantic model, but the notation seems to get strange in two ways.

First, the resulting node is no longer at the position at which it was dropped. It seems to show up in the center of the content pane instead.

Second, my model includes links/edges between sub-elements within the new node. These sub-element links do not show up unless I save, close and reopen the editor.

As you can see I've been experimenting with the ViewRefactorHelper class, but that didn't seem to help. I thought there was also some kind of "recording command" superclass that I could extend that would update the view to match the model. Any advice would be most appreciated.

many thanks,
Greg Jansen
UNC Chapel Hill

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