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[gmf-dev] Feature versions for Ganymede release


I'd like to update our feature versions to correspond with the included
plug-in/feature changes.  As far as I can tell, they should be:

Feature     Present     Becomes     Comment
doc         1.2.0       ---         Already done with 229015
tooling     2.0.1       2.1.0       Included plug-in minor service increment
thirdparty  1.1.0       ---         Already incremented
runtime     1.1.0       ---         Already incremented
sdk         2.0.1       2.1.0       Due to increment of included feature
examples    1.1.0       ---         No change required
notation    1.1.0       ---         New feature

Look right?  Are there any pending changes coming that would impact this
numbering, or are we good to make these changes for the Ganymede release?


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