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[gmf-dev] GMF and GEF

I have a graphical view containing some of the shapes (i.e. rectangle, elliptical etc.) each shape has a different design property and which can be edited

Shapes are also having actions like the followings

      Transfer, Align, and Zoom actions
      Transfer: CutAction, CopyAction, PasteAction, DeleteAction.
      Aligning: AlignHorizontalTopAction, AlignHorizontalCenterAction, AlignHorizontalBottomAction, AlignVerticalLeftAction, AlignVerticalCenterAction, AlignVerticalRightAction
      Zooming: ZoomInAction, ZoomOutAction, ZoomNormalAction

It’s a product development involving lots of data modeling changes and dependent scenarios


i know either GEF or GMF would solve the trick but I would really appreciate your efforts if you suggest me that which one would be more helpful in my case.,


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