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Re: [git] repo-layout question: cross-repo cherry-picking?

Hi Chris,

On Monday, November 21, 2011 06:52:56 PM Chris Aniszczyk wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 9:12 AM, Stephan Herrmann
> <stephan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Now cherry-picking works, but EGit's history shows the moved version
> > as having no history. Is there a way to tell EGit to follow moves? If that's
> > possible, is it advisable to move a whole project so every history lookup
> > will require matching all those files across different paths?
> > To me this sounds more fragile than a move was in svn - am I missing
> > anything?
> Cherry picking doesn't include anything from the original history.

Thanks for your answer, but it seems I didn't sufficiently describe my
issue: I wasn't worried about missing connection due to cherry picking,
but BEFORE I can use cherry picking I had to MOVE a project to a different
folder within the repo and by that move it lost all its history, at least as
seen via EGit.

In short:
If I don't move, I can't cherry pick.
If I move I don't see all my existing history any more.

> If you cherry pick with the '-x' parameter you'lll get a message that
> includes the SHA1 where it came from. But the cherry picked commit of
> course will get a new SHA1.

That's good to know anyways, thanks. (Is -x available via EGit ? :) )

> On a side note, I think it would be in your best interest to take the
> JDT fork and apply your changes on top of it so you share the same
> history.

That would be lovely, but the differences are immense, it would
take weeks or months to re-apply our changes. In the same vein
attempts to rebase in the setup you suggest will probably result
again in myriads of conflicts to be resolved manually.
Each rebase would have to reapply many years of work :)
No, I think I'm fine with applying changes from jdt.core in small
chunks and otherwise keeping separate histories.

It's really just the directory structure that I need to solve at this point.

Anyone with experience of restructuring directories in SVN during
the migration?


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