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[gemini-dev] Maven build on trunk


So I checked out the code the other day hoping to look into such things as spring 3.1 support and class weaving using osgi 4.3 weaving hooks.. only to find that the maven build is a mess.

It does not build out of the box. I also noticed that the eclipse .classpath files differ from the dependencies listed in the poms (note I don't use eclipse, I'm an IntelliJ fanboy).  On a side note you shouldn't be committing any IDE project files to the repo if you're using maven. Use your IDE's built in maven integration to set the project up, this will also ensure that things don't get out of sync - Rant over.

So I set out to fix the build. So far I have everything working 

# mvn test
# mvn test -Pequinox
# mvn test -Pknopflerfish
# mvn test -Pfelix 				# with one test failure.. will investigate

I'm also going through and fixing up general things so that it will build and not spew warnings on maven 3.x.

It seems the maven build has suffered serve neglect, I haven't seen one this bad in well forever.. (missing dependencies, wrong dependencies that don't exist anymore, plugins without versions specified, and the usage of properties are are mess, etc). If anyone wants to observe this behaviour, mv your ~/.m2/settings.xml to somewhere else temporarily and rm -rf ~/.m2/repository then run a build.

Once I have things nice and pretty I'll send a patch. This is just an FYI to let everyone/anyone who cares know. So please send me your feedback if you have any..

Thanks in advance for your time.


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