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Re: [gef3d-dev] WebGL


On 30.09.10 21:36, Miles Parker wrote:
I can't remember if weve discussed this in the pas, but what do you think of technical possibilities of doing WebGL implementation for GEF3D?My guess is that any limitations are probably on the editing side?

I have posted a comment about GEF3D and WebGL (in combination with RAP) here: . To repeat the current research: A master thesis I tutored tried to bring GEF3D to web apps by using RAP and WebGL. The biggest problem at that time was that RAP uses an elder version of an AJAX framework (Qooxdoo), which didn't support canvases. I assume this would be solved by now, but I'm not that deeply involved in RAP or other AJAX approaches. The main task in order to use WebGL would be to write a new Graphics3D implementation for WebGL. The most obvious difference between OpenGL and WebGL is that the latter does not support glBegin and glEnd anymore, which is to be removed from OpenGL in the long run as well. However, GEF3D uses these two functions, and I haven't investigated how to replace them. But as the drawing commands are to be send from the server to the client, a more abstract interface (as Graphics3D is at the moment) would be useful anyway (so the glBegin/End functions would not really be a problem). And yes, editing would be a problem, but this is more a general GEF related problem.



P.S.: Miles, have a look at the GEF3D-dev archive, we discussed RAP a while ago (April 2010).

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