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Re: [gef-dev] Ghost shape, Mac OS X xor issue, and a possible solution


Am 15.11.2005 um 17:25 schrieb Randy Hudson:

Besides requiring GDI+ library on windows 2000, and Cairo on Linux, painting using alpha is probably 1-2 orders of magnitude slower than XOR. Any change we make should probably be OS-specific.

Maybe I've got something wrong here. But: (SWT) XOR functionality _is_ deprecated! It's deprecated since it is platform specific. It is not (and will never be) working on Mac OS X. Mac OS X is listed as one of the reference platforms in the Eclipse 3.1.1 release notes. Of course, this seems to be a SWT problem in first place. Or a OS X problem. I don't know. But anyway: SWT setAlpha is not deprecated.

Maybe my quick hack can be made OS-specific:

private static boolean bAlphaGhost = SWT.getPlatform().equals("carbon");

public static Shape makeGhostShape(Shape s) {
	if (bAlphaGhost) {
	} else {
	return s;

I don't like this sine I don't like these platform specific statements in Java.

I'm a feeling little bit like a Don Quichotte fighting against windmills. The performance of GEF under OS X is so bad, that I'm wondering if anyone is actually using GEF/OS X. I've tested GEF on several Macs, and even with a PowerMac 2 GHz Dual Core moving figures around feels like working with a 100 MHz Pentium. So, probably nobody will notice the bad ghost shape behaviour in OS X, since nobody is really using this combination :( Since GEF is running perfectly well under Windows, I assume SWT is the problem, but especially GEF is suffering from the bad SWT-OSX performance. It's a pity, since Cocoa/ Quarz is so fast -- e.g. dragging an image from Safari is amazing (the whole image, a little bit transparent, is moved) , too bad that GEF can't compete against this.


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