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Re: [gef-dev] Multipage editor with GEF


I have gotten GEF working in a multi page editor. It has been a while since I did this so I don't exactly remember all the details. I do know that I ran into the issue that you are stating here. One of the things I did in my subclass of "GraphicalEditorWithFlyoutPalette" was to override the selectionChange method like so:

public void selectionChanged(IWorkbenchPart part, ISelection selection)
       // If not the active editor, ignore selection changed.
       // if (this.equals(getSite().getPage().getActiveEditor()))

The GraphicalEditorWithFlyoutPalette definition of this has the if statement intact (not commented out). I believe that when you are in a multi-page editor the getSite().getPage().getActiveEditor() will return the multi page part and there for the superclass version won't ever call updateActions.

To be fair what I did isn't exactly correct. The update actions logic will be called more often that it needs to be. What I really should do instead of commenting out the if logic is to put correct logic in the if statement. What I should do is check to see if the active editor is the GEF Editors parent (the multi page editor) and check to see if the current page selected in the multi-page editor is equal to the GEF editor. however at the time I was lazy and this worked (albeit inefficiently).

I don't know if this is the solution to your problem or not. Hopefully it will help.

Michael MacFadden
Rasmus Aveskogh wrote:


I'm trying to put a GEF editor in a multipage editor
(MultiPageEditorPart). I have tried using the Shapes example as a base
just for trying my concepts but the editor this one is based on
(GraphicalEditorWithFlyoutPalette) seems to rely on the fact that it's a
top editor in the workbench.

I've looked through some of the code of the supplied GEF actions and
especially actions based on 'SelectionAction' seem to rely on on this.
When I put my GEF-editor inside my multipage editor actions such as
'Delete' which is a subclass of 'SelectionAction' stop working.
I assume mainly because the selection-framework doesn't work as it should.

Is there any smooth way to solve this? Do I have to extend and ovveride
all the actions myself if I want to solve this? Do I also have to override
some of the logics in the GraphicalEditorWithFlyoutPalette-editor? So it
doesn't rely on the fact that it's the active editor.


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Michael MacFadden         mmacfadden@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Red Oak Software

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