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[gef-dev] Clarifications regarding the logicdesigner and few other questions


I am planning to use gef in a project for visualization, hence, I dug into the example that accompanies gef distribution.  I
had a few clarifications regarding the code in the example. 

- The code in the logicdesigner directory represents the entry level logic of the plugin.
- The code in model directory represents the logical elements with their contents (icons, pins, etc).
- The code in edit directory represents the control logic of the plugin.
- The code in figures (I am lost and am assuming) represent the view is a way that given a type of element, the associated
  model element is consulted for the icon and that is displayed.  Some sort of model to Draw2d mapping happens here.

Is my understanding as stated above correct?  If not, please correct me.

Coming to the usage of gef for visualization, the problem on hand it that a library of classes and I am planning to use gef to
represent object diagrams. The problem is that the library may itself change. So, although the types of entities in the
library are classes, the classes themselves may be different each type. This means the number of connection points on a class
can change. How flexible is gef to handle this? Say, can I have a generic class elemnent in the palette and later on add
decorations to it on creating it's instance on the canvas?  Also, how hard is it to add label to figures in draw2d?  Say, to
annotate pins in the logicdesigner example.

Also, is there any sort of automatic layout support in GEF?

waiting for reply,


Venkatesh Prasad Ranganath,
Dept. Computing and Information Science,
Kansas State University, US.

A squeegee by any other name wouldn't sound as funny.

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