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[geclipse-dev] Upgrade to newer Typica



I am Mina Zaki, working with Prof. Dr. Kornmayer on the G-Eclipse project. In order to integrate the EBS in G-Eclipse we had to upgrade to typica 1.7.1. and now we are facing a problem with the class, createControl method. The problem is the new typica offers 9 types of instances, and in the createControl method you are initializing String[] instanceTypesReadable with only 5 types, and we get an ArrayOutOfBoundException whenever trying to run an instance. So is it safe to add the new 4 types to the String[] instanceTypesReadable and if yes what is gonna be their text format, the new types are :

DEFAULT ("m1.small"),

      LARGE ("m1.large"),

      XLARGE ("m1.xlarge"),

      MEDIUM_HCPU ("c1.medium"),

      XLARGE_HCPU ("c1.xlarge"),

      XLARGE_HMEM ("m2.xlarge"),

      XLARGE_DOUBLE_HMEM ("m2.2xlarge"),

      XLARGE_QUAD_HMEM ("m2.4xlarge"),

      XLARGE_CLUSTER_COMPUTE ("cc1.4xlarge");




And here I the piece of code raising the exception in createControl Method



String[] instanceTypesReadable = new String[]{

      Messages.getString( "EC2MainTab.instance_type_small" ), //$NON-NLS-1$

      Messages.getString( "EC2MainTab.instance_type_large" ), //$NON-NLS-1$

      Messages.getString( "EC2MainTab.instance_type_extra_large" ), //$NON-NLS-1$

      Messages.getString( "EC2MainTab.instance_type_high_cpu_medium" ), //$NON-NLS-1$

      Messages.getString( "EC2MainTab.instance_type_high_cpu_large" ) //$NON-NLS-1$



    InstanceType[] instanceTypes = InstanceType.values();


    for( int i = 0; i < instanceTypes.length; i++ ) {

      instanceTypesReadable[ i ] = instanceTypesReadable[ i ] + " (" //$NON-NLS-1$

                                   + instanceTypes[ i ].getTypeId()

                                   + ")"; //$NON-NLS-1$



Thanks in Advance

Mina Zaki



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