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Re: [geclipse-dev] Workflow creation and editor unstable for g-Lite Middleware

Hi Nick,

2009/2/8 Nicholas Loulloudes <loulloudes.n@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> The workflow diagram gets created without a problem. What I noticed though
> is that by default the candidate folder in which the diagram will be created
> in is the Job Description folder and not the Workflows folder.

This has be fixed in HEAD for a while - Mathias made some core changes
to address this, but I think Ariel mentioned that those particular
changes were not tagged for the recent releases incase they made
things unstable (I also noticed this behaviour in the recent builds
and mentioned it recently too 'cos it bugs me).

> The real problem though is encountered while trying to D&D an existing JSDL
> to the workflow editor. This simply does not work. A workflow job get's
> created but its empty with no attributes set. Trying to add a job
> description manually using the Grid File Dialog does not work also.
> Looking at the Error log I can see that GMF throws a couple of exceptions
> while performing the D&D operation.

Harald mentioned he had the same problem recently too, but in his case
the problem seemed to disappear by itself. I thing it is because when
loading g-Eclipse, not all of the Workflow plugins are loaded
properly, possibly due to some memory problems. Maybe try modifying
your launch configuration. I personally can't recreate this problem on
any platform.

> I'm using g-Eclipse RC2, on a 32-bit Windows machine. The same strange
> behavior happens on RC1.

The first behaviour (default folder of .workflows) should be present
in RC1 and RC2 since the fixes were not incorporated into the builds.

The D&D problems must be a problem with just the plugins loading - if
it was a real code bug, there's no way it could have slipped through
until just now (I and others have tested this, and also people must
have been using the Workflow Editor in their review preparation in the
past few weeks too).


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